an ominous comment

Zenaan Harkness zen at
Tue Jul 21 01:17:26 PDT 2015

On 7/21/15, Juan <juan.g71 at> wrote:
> 	Hey. *Now* I get it.
> 	This mailing list has a lot of tor-tards who are apologists of
> 	the pentagon's propaganda and spying efforts.
> 	It has people who say that the NSA does good things (coderman)
> 	It has apologists of the US marines.
> 	It has high ranking scumbags from the CIA.
> 	It has commie 'anarchists' who are offended by (and would love
> 	to silence) people who badmouth the marines' apologists.
> 	And NOW it also has a google and cloud apologist. Welcome
> 	Stephen =) You are yet another reason to distrust the FLOSS movement and
> 	its bloatware.

Lemme guess - you're new here?

Welcome :)

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