Encryption Rights - A Google+ community

eden edenw at gal3.com
Sat Jul 18 10:55:52 PDT 2015

On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 10:07 AM, rysiek <rysiek at hackerspace.pl> wrote:
> Dnia wtorek, 14 lipca 2015 02:45:39 Shelley pisze:
>> On July 14, 2015 2:11:35 AM stef <s at ctrlc.hu> wrote:
>> > On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 10:07:57PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
>> > > https://plus.google.com/communities/109624826715876091211
>> > > Encryption Rights - Protecting Our Rights to Strongly Encrypt
>> > > By Lauren Weinstein
>> > > http://www.vortex.com/lauren
>> >
>> > but wtf in the middle of the kraakens tentacles? wth do people still trust
>> > google? even laura. wtf? the mind boggles.
>> >
>> I'm glad it's not just me!  That was my reaction too but I held back from
>> commenting, because I feel like I'm always bitching here about cpunks or
>> anyone interested in privacy still using google for any reason.  I don't
>> understand it.
> +1 here.

   I'm an admin for a lot of groups. Those groups are run on Yahoo,
Google, as well as some that are run on private mailman machines. The
question keeps coming up... what is the alternative?

> Well, I understand the need for more "social" (for want of better word)
> communication platform than e-mail. For me, this is Twister:
> http://twister.net.co/

   This looks very interesting. Thank you, i will have to look into it.

   But, back to the question: How/where can someone run a simple
(ignoring the sign-up required by Yahoo/Google/etc.), public, free
(both ways, because paying would require identification) forum,
allowing for anonymous posts (but not allowing it to be overrun by
trolls), that has a simple searchable (and findable - as in searched
by Google, Yahoo, etc.) archive?

   You still have to trust a privately run forum. Trust, as in, will
it be censored, altered, still there after the volunteer gets tired of
it, etc.?

   In other words, if you want a private discussion group about
Privacy, then yes, keep it small and secret... somehow. But if you
want a public discussion, what are the alternatives to


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