Inquiry re. how to handle Glomar reply to FOIA request

coderman coderman at
Wed Jul 8 00:50:40 PDT 2015

On 7/7/15, odinn <odinn.cyberguerrilla at> wrote:
> ...
> The NSA failed to respond within the 20 business days required by
> federal law and sent back a "Glomar response."  Technically, as of
> today, I only have 49 days left to write and send an appeal (based on
> the date when they sent me their Glomar reply).

this is par for the FOIA course, of course.

> if you have ever done a SUCCESSful appeal of a Glomar response, please
> reply back to me and let me know (give me some advice, etc).  Thanks
> in advance.

two things:

1) there is a list,  FOI-L at where this might find more
useful responses.

2) - they handle re-submission to follow up on late
responses, and it's all automagic.

> I've copied a portion of the letter they sent below:
> "As you may also be aware, ...

this is waaaay too wordy. one thing i've learned, is to keep any
request as short, and laser guided as possible.  some agencies will
find whatever excuse they can to deny a request, and if one element of
your query falls into the deny bin they'll send the whole thing back
or deny outright as "unreasonable".

good luck!

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