Bitcoin philosophical musings and pressures 7 years in [drifted from: txrate, forking, etc]

Sean Lynch seanl at
Tue Jul 7 15:53:36 PDT 2015

On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 3:50 PM Lodewijk andré de la porte <l at>

> 2015-07-08 7:27 GMT+09:00 Sean Lynch <seanl at>:
>>         What? Bitcoin exists so that rich people in western countries
>>>         especially the US can become even richer. So far it worked
>>>         pretty well.
>> Really? What rich person has gotten richer through Bitcoin so far?
>> Remittances seem like the biggest use of Bitcoin at the moment. Sure,
>> there's plenty of speculation, but your claim that Bitcoin's purpose is to
>> make the rich richer is also speculation. And FUD.
> Yours would the Uncertainty and Doubt, I see.
> Bitcoin is cold hard money - therefore benefiting those that can exploit
> it best. The most capital you have, the better you can exploit it.
> Therefore, the wealthy stand more to benefit from Bitcoin than anyone else.
> Any other effect would indicate softness of Bitcoin or some human issue. It
> does prevent (certain forms of) suppression; it's very hard to censor
> financial transactions on the Bitcoin network. It also provides a great
> deal of financial and administrative utility to all in similar quantity, it
> levels the playing field of the poor/rich somewhat.

Perhaps my response was a bit hyperbolic, but that is a very different
claim than "Bitcoin exists so that rich people in western countries
especially the US can become even richer."
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