rysiek rysiek at
Fri Jan 16 14:16:17 PST 2015

Dnia piątek, 16 stycznia 2015 09:11:05 odinn pisze:
> (...)
> but you may ask, what about the transitions? new machine? older key
> issues? proper use? getting stronger new key? etc.
> valid questions! which is what I am asking myself right now (since I
> have some old key issues that I am trying to work through and I didn't
> have good answers).
> fortunately, rysiek came to the rescue in a very timely way, and gave
> me permission to republish (rysiek's) statement which appears below:
> rysiek explains:
> GPG Key Transition:
> Zmieniam klucz GPG:

Now hold on a minute, while I appreciate the spotlight, the instructions are 
not really mine, I stole them from Teh Intertubes (well, linked them, rather). 
If somebody finds it useful, great, but I am not the person to credit.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak

Zmieniam klucz GPG ::
GPG Key Transition ::

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