Rant on BSD vs GPL was [Good ol' BSD vs. GPL]

Mirimir mirimir at riseup.net
Tue Jan 13 12:14:05 PST 2015

On 01/12/2015 12:22 PM, Juan wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 10:07:05 -0700
> Mirimir <mirimir at riseup.net> wrote:
>>> 	https://stallman.org/articles/why-we-need-a-state.html
>> Stallman opines therein:
>> | Above all, we need a state in order to have democracy, which
>> | is the system by which the many non-rich [aka beta, weak,
>> | clueless, stupid, etc] join together to overcome the power
>> | of the rich [aka alpha, powerful, skilled, smart, etc] and
>> | thus deny them control over society.
>> I agree, but only provisionally, and only if the alphas don't control
>> the state. However, alphas typically do end up controlling the state,
>> and that's the fatal defect. 
> 	Yep.
> 	You quoted and refuted (a part of) Stallman's more general
> 	theory. 
> 	What first caught my attention though was that somebody who's
> 	allegedly concerned with freedom, is an advocate of, among other
> 	things, public education and 'national' 'defense'. 
> 	Also, all the rest of 'free' socialist programs he favors
> 	require high levels of taxation. But of course, robbery is
> 	freedom. 

Right, all of that stuff ought to be funded by voluntary contributions,
either from self-interest or compassion and generosity. Robbery is
unprovoked aggression.

>> What's needed long term is conversion of
>> betas into gammas. With enough gammas, the state will arguably wither
>> away. But I'll be dead long before then, so I focus on the process.
>>> 	 When I first read it I missed this line 
>>> 	"Copyright (c) 2013 Richard Stallman Verbatim copying and
>>> 	redistribution of this entire page are permitted provided
>>> this notice is preserved. " 
>>> 	LMAO! unintentional self-parody at its best.
>> No, he's just saying that he'll track you down and kick your ass if
>> you fuck with his shit. There's no state required for that ;)
> 	Well, the copyright notice looks like a US government copyright
> 	notice. But that's not what I was getting at anyway. 

Yes, you're right. He could have used non-state terminology.

> 	The thing is, as Rysiek pointed out, Stallman's position
> 	doesn't seem fully consistent.
> 	And Mirimir, you've just violated Stallman's copyright! It says
> 	"verbatim copying" but you added a comment of your own inside
> 	Stallman's text. Brace yourself!

Not at all. Short quotes in reviews etc are fair use.

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