Hackers can’t solve Surveillance

Georgi Guninski guninski at guninski.com
Fri Feb 13 08:24:35 PST 2015

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 01:03:22AM +0100, stef wrote:
> i think this is related and relevant to recent discussions.
> src: http://www.dmytri.info/hackers-cant-solve-surveillance/
> quoted in full for your convenience:
> >  Hackers can’t solve Surveillance
> >
> >  communications. In order to achieve a society where we can expect privacy
> >  we need more hackers and 

This appears utopia to me.

We need more JUSTICE as well.

There is a principle GIGO ~ Garbage In Garbage Out.

Last time I tried to explain to a sheeple she is a sheeple
she asked something like "You crazy anti-establishment? I
have loans to the bank to pay".

> > hackerspaces to embrace the broader political
> >  challenges of building a more equal society.

I am a bit paranoid about HACKERSPACE, since likely the
dear NSA might have infiltrated it.

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