NSA Spying Relies on AT&T'S "Extreme Willingness to Help"

Cari Machet carimachet at gmail.com
Sun Aug 16 22:26:38 PDT 2015

yay somehow USG 'legally' permits surveillance/search/seizure without a
warrant of US persons if they are outside of the US - take a walk to canada
and you loose your rights ... did people ever really have them? maybe
before EO 12333

shit is fucked up and bullshit

what do we think of this kind of cory doctorow work john?


as some think security is a myth and actually letting everything be public
is safer - does it have to be either or?

On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 10:13 PM, John Young <jya at pipeline.com> wrote:

> The NYT-Propublica is an informative and impressive release,
> in many ways better than previous. It expands on the earlier
> revelations (as the narratives state) with some overlap and filling
> in gaps. A good sign the holders of the balance of the Snowden
> dump are digging deeper and learning how convey a fuller picture
> or at least a more enthralling one for the public while techologists
> twiddle thumbs awaiting useful data to devise defenses. (A hint
> from some Snowden withholders there may be handoffs to
> technologists separate from the public. Schneier, Matthew
> Green, a few other comsec wizards aiding publishers have
> said as much.)
> Hardly complete to be sure, with about 10% of the dump
> published, with plenty of gaps indicated by jumps in narratives
> and still too many redactions -- presumably the result of
> consulting with officials as heretofore disclosed, or due to
> Snowen's instructions about what to withhold, either to
> "avoid national security harm" or in expectation US prosecutors
> might be mollified in the negotiations for his return to the
> US.
> Most frustratingly, details of the spying technology are
> missing with emphasis still on slide shows and textual
> summaries -- most likely to satisfy the public rather than
> technologists at home and national opponents.
> Jacob Appelbaum's and a few others releases of the
> technology are the exception, civil liberties and lawful
> issues remaining in the forefront of released documents
> and much more so for the journalistic accounts.
> It might be surmised that staying away from technology
> disclosures and featuring 5-Eyes and partners prowess
> and comprehensiveness of slides and text serves to
> warn the enemy of what's in store without disclosing
> information to defend against it.
> In particular, Snowden's and associates harping on the
> need for widespread, strong encryption use, even though
> the documents show how the spies bypass it, undermine it,
> use it for deception, implant backdoors in it (as well as in
> chips, OSes, routers, nodes, cable stations, server farms,
> teleco hubs, virtually everywhere in the global system as
> shown in this latest release) should be taken as a warning
> encryption is not the magic cape its proponents claim.
> This suggests reliance upon encryption may be a decoy to
> divert attention from other comsec protection, the old
> CryptoAG ploy: The most trusted comsec the most
> likely not.
> The tremendous rush to market cybersecurity means and
> methods for public consumption, combined with 5-Eyes
> outreach to industry for means and methods to defeat
> cybersecurity, is a wonderful paradox, albeit powerfully
> stenching with treachery.
> Whether Snowden is more of a hero to the public than to
> 5-Eyes and its partners is up for future historical debate.
> Say 25-30 years ahead, about the time required for
> full disclosure of the Snowden dump at the current rate of
> release (to the public, not clear which wizards getting
> early access are developing products, sales and industries
> to capitalize on cybersecurity alarm, some most assuredly
> are based on their inability to avoid bragging about being
> consulted by government, industry, NGOs,, vulture capitalists,
> and the usual speaker bureaus where wizards flog their
> skills.)

Cari Machet
NYC 646-436-7795
carimachet at gmail.com
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