Privacy advocates resign over facial recognition plans

Cari Machet carimachet at
Thu Aug 13 17:08:57 PDT 2015

i knew someone would bring up the racism of the irish it still is a super
horror > aaargghhh is there a race i can call pirate? maybe the turks...
they were the barbary pirates i think ...ottomans

yes it is culture but it is also my dna ... my computer is not a microsoft
computer and that is just that... it might have little gui's of microsoft
but NO not microsoft ...i am racist against microsoft ...because native
american or indigenous were slaughtered in mass in more ways than just
their bodies and they still are and we have political prisoners and yes we
say 'we' when we are together and some tribes are deemed with this kind of
characteristic others not etc language structures are similar though ... it
is very different to be indigenous and just denial of indigenousness is a
defacement its part of the horror as the whites that took the native
american babies away from their families wanting to erase the native
american in them


so how can we have our dna respected and not be racists ?

so bringing it back to all things cypher is it possible to get these
turkish docs unredacted - have they made it illegal to unredact shit - i
think they have - i think i read it somewhere ? wheres hitler been lately?
o am i being racist against germans? lets make u a new word bout
'culturist' ... 'you are a culturist' ... no that doesnt sound right

docs are all about the terrorist kurds you know - a race of people - and we
are fucked by laura poitras again what fucking explanation can she have for
these massive redactions

turkey just wants everyone to be turks cathal

the keyword option wasnt given to the turks then... i wonder if they have
it now? maybe they hacked the american code and made it possible if the
fuckers wouldnt give it to them

On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 1:57 PM, Cathal Garvey <cathalgarvey at
> wrote:

> On 13/08/15 08:58, Jason McVetta wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 2:31 PM, Cari Machet <carimachet at
>> <mailto:carimachet at>> wrote:
>>     some irish and NATIVE AMERICAN
>> Me too.  Welcome to the club!
> This all makes it sound like the Irish bit is above racism, a privileged
> "white person" class that's never had any negative discrimination.
> Back in the golden days of the British Empire there were academic
> discussions on how the Irish constituted a different sub-species of lesser
> humanity. Racism hasn't always been about skin colour, and still isn't.
> Irish might have it somewhat easier today (but prejudices remain), but
> racism of all kinds, including anti-"white" (what the fuck is "White"? What
> the fuck is "Black"?), is just more of the same stupidity.
> Newsflash; the genetic diversity within any given "racial" population you
> choose is *far* greater than the miniscule genetic differences that define
> the characteristics we call "race". There is no such thing as "race" except
> that which we create in our monkey heads.
> --
> Scientific Director, IndieBio EU Programme
>  Now running in Cork, Ireland May->July
>  Learn more at and follow along!
> Twitter:  @onetruecathal
> Phone: +353876363185
> miniLock: JjmYYngs7akLZUjkvFkuYdsZ3PyPHSZRBKNm6qTYKZfAM
> cathalgarvey

Cari Machet
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carimachet at
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Twitter: @carimachet <>

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