Opinions of qwertycards.com?

jim bell jdb10987 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 30 20:45:22 PDT 2015

I doubt whether anyone who regularly posts on CP would admit to using their system.It would make _a_bit_ more sense if a person appended a fixed randomized string (of their OWN construction, one that nobody else knows...) to their usual password, perhaps AFTER ALSO customizing that password using the name of the website too.  However, it would certainly be questionable to advertise this randomized string on a keyboard.  Perhaps an array of characters, which only the user knew what portion to employ.  (Right/left, Up/down, diagonal, etc.)Depends on the threat model, of course.                 Jim Bell
      From: Shawn K. Quinn <skquinn at rushpost.com>
 To: cypherpunks at cpunks.org 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 11:17 PM
 Subject: Opinions of qwertycards.com?

Has anyone on the list tried one of these? Thoughts?

Shawn K. Quinn <skquinn at rushpost.com>

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