Greenwald, Scahill step down from The Intercept

Juan juan.g71 at
Mon Apr 6 22:29:55 PDT 2015

On Tue, 7 Apr 2015 06:13:30 +0200
Cari Machet <carimachet at> wrote:

> glenn greenwald backed the invasion of iraq because >>>>>> vengeance
> which means he aint that fucking bright
> glenn greenwald was a corporate lawyer

	I had assumed greenwald was a progressive/liberal (now leaning
	more libertarian) but looks I was partially wrong. A quick
	search suggests he was a bush supporter of sorts? And he used
	to write for And for what it's worth, wikitrash
	now lists him as libertarian. So...kinda mixed.

> anyway liberals are not that bright too
> ALL snowden docs should go to EFF - should have gone there in the
> beginning for analysis snowden gave those docs to people unqualified
> to deal with them and they still are not qualified their capacity is
> far too low for them to ever be qualified the mere fact that they
> drip so slowly says so much

	Well, everything should have been put in the public domain
	from day zero. But Snowden thought that would hurt
	the interests of the american nazi state. Or maybe he didn't
	want to be killed like a dog. Who knows.

> no-no laura greenwald and scahill arent making any money... i think we
> should start a collection up for them i am afraid they arent eating
> actual food

	I'm guessing that's sarcasm =P - No, I don't think greenwald is
	starving either.

	My point is that I'm not sure how they are making money off the
	snowden docs...except if they are being paid to not publish
	them (which is a possibility)

	Also, I don't think greenwald and poitras are too loyal to the
	US government at this point. The ebay owner on the other hand...


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