The West's Shame

Juan juan.g71 at
Mon Apr 6 16:10:11 PDT 2015

On Mon, 6 Apr 2015 17:40:44 +0000 (UTC)
jim bell <jdb10987 at> wrote:

> Yes, there was a Soviet "sacrifice", but it was
> made necessary by the actions of the Soviets themselves.       Jim
> Bell

	Look! Here's a cute family picture

	So, what the commies did in WWII was part of the dirty work of
	the anglo-american fascists. 

	a) the anglo american nazis needed the commies to stop the
	german nazis

	b) both commies and anglo-american fascists needed each other
	and both were willing to 'collaborate' with their 'evil'
	'enemies' (communists and 'capitalists' respectively)

	A lot of russians got killed thanks to their own government of
	course. And so helped 'save' 'capitalism', that is to say,
	helped the anglo-american fascists.

	And now the anglo-american fascists don't want to be remined of
	their past association with the evil commies. Go figure. 



>      On Sunday, April 5, 2015 9:57 PM, Александр
> <afalex169 at> wrote: 
>  Brad Cabana
> The West's Shame
> There is something so bizarre, so inhumane about Western countries
> boycotting the parade for the 70th anniversary of the Soviet victory
> over Germany in World War II that I just had to write on it.
> Recently, the prime minister of the United Kingdom announced he will
> not be attending the parade. Previous to that, countries like Germany
> and the United States had announced the same. It's only a parade you
> say? No it's more than that.
> The Soviet Union sacrificed 25 million people to defeat Nazi Germany
> in World War II. A sacrifice beyond imagination, and far, far greater
> than all the countries fighting Nazi Germany combined. In comparison,
> the Holocaust, which is rightly remembered annually, claimed the
> lives of six million people of the Jewish faith. These are really the
> two true tragedy's of World War II unleashed on the world by Nazi
> Germany. The stories of Soviet soldiers advancing without weapons to
> pickup the rifle of the next dead soldier are well known. The
> bloodbath of Stalingrad, the siege of Leningrad, the millions of
> Soviet soldiers killed and captured (only to then die in POW camps)
> during the early days of the German invasion, and so on, all markers
> of the brutality of man against his own, stand large in the history
> of the world. In fact, the German invasion of the Soviet Union stands
> as the largest military battle in the history of man.
> Yet, western leaders have decided to not attend the parade that is
> meant to honour that sacrifice. When Britain announced it would not
> attend, well, that's the straw that broke the camel's back frankly.
> Of all the countries in the world, Britain was saved by the massive
> waves of young Soviet men and woman that bled the German army white.
> Hitler would have crushed Britain in short order if he had not
> diverted millions of German men to the invasion of the Soviet Union.
> Crucially, the diversion of aircraft, fighters and bombers, to the
> Soviet front saved Britain from the entire annihilation of a full
> blown, continuous air campaign, and the subsequent naval invasion
> that would certainly have occurred. In reality, the western allies
> left Stalin almost alone in Europe to battle the Nazi's, and take the
> majority of the casualties in doing so. By the time D-Day finally
> arrived, the German army and air force was only a shadow of it's
> former self as it existed in 1941. As bad and hard as it was for the
> allies to march east through Europe to Berlin, without the Soviet
> people's sacrifice, it would have never happened.
> It's a place of honour in human history. To quarrel with that is to
> go beyond ignorance. To quarrel with that is the hateful and arrogant
> bastion of the very seeds that caused World War II in the first
> place. And now, as if history is repeating itself, Western leaders
> have entered that bastion of ignorance and arrogance to punish Russia
> for the Ukrainian civil war. By contrast, Russian president Putin,
> despite the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, attended the 70th
> anniversary of the D-Day landings in France last year. He was given
> the proverbial cold shoulder by western leaders, yet he subjected
> himself to that, in honour of the sacrifice of the men of Canada,
> Britain and the United States. He did not ignore the history or the
> price in blood of that action. He honoured it. He put the sacrifice
> ahead of his political position, and it could even be said his
> personal shunning. Now that the time is here to do the same for the
> Soviet Union's dead, we cannot bring ourselves to do the same.
> What that says about us is really quite obvious. It means we haven't
> learned the lessons of history. That our political leadership has
> become so petty, so detached from historical reality, that it
> attempts to rewrite the history of 25 million souls. That is the
> danger of all of this. Russians don't really need the West to honour
> their sacrifice. They know it all too well. It's the West that needs
> to honour that sacrifice so it can clearly see the dangers of war on
> a scale far more destructive than anything it experienced on the
> western front, or anywhere else in history. Poland started this train
> rolling by refusing to invite the Russian president to the Holocaust
> remembrance at Auschwitz last year. This despite the fact that the
> Soviet army liberated all of Poland, and specifically Auschwitz from
> German armies.
> The actions of our western politicians say more about us than the
> Russians could ever say themselves. They have portrayed us as people
> who refuse to honour the dead, those that gave their lives in another
> time to defeat a tyrant bent on world domination, and in doing so
> dishonour those men and women. As the son of a young man, training in
> England, fighting in North Africa, Italy, Holland, and Germany
> through those tumultuous years of war and senseless slaughter, I
> recognize the Soviet sacrifice that probably saved my Dad's life. How
> could you not? Yet, that is exactly what our politicians are doing
> today. You don't have to be a lover of this country, or that country
> to recognize and honour grave human injustice committed on a massive
> scale. You just have to be humane, and subordinate your own bias in
> the remembrance of the fallen. Is that really so hard? Isn't that
> what is expected of us all? Wouldn't we expect that from our
> children? I've never been so ashamed of the actions of our
> governments than I am now with the boycott of that parade in Moscow.

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