bashing your head against nation-state social engineering

rysiek rysiek at
Sun Sep 28 05:24:28 PDT 2014

Dnia sobota, 27 wrzeĊ›nia 2014 20:57:13 Troy Benjegerdes pisze:
> So every once in awhile I have fits of plausible paranoia, which lead me to
> second guess the motives of everyone arguing why it's 'so hard' to simplify
> things by doing something like removing bash from debian.

And that will solve the problem -- how? I am not convinced other shells would 
be considerably better/safer (I may be wrong here, of course); the problem was 
(as Travis pointed out) the mind-boggling clusterfsck of cgi-bin. If I were to 
look for a radical move here, it would be abandoning cgi-bin as a matter of 

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