Giganews Is an FBI operation - Giganews Denial Campaign Overdrive

Joshua Case jwcase at
Wed Sep 17 07:49:26 PDT 2014


On Sep 16, 2014, at 6:19 PM, coderman <coderman at> wrote:

> i thought the TAO catalog would be most volatile, but maybe Giganews
> Golden Frog debacle will take it...
> cryptome must be a hot seat!  cool jya's buns with some bitcoin...
> [ ]
> :P
> best regards,
> ---
> 16 September 2014
> Giganews Denial Campaign
> Orchestrated PR against every leaker is to demonize: call the leaker a
> sad case who needs psychiatric help, whose life style is scrutinized
> for damning behavior aided by fabricated ruses and testimonies against
> the leaker.
> Officials, CEOs, lawyers, co-workers are set in motion to slur,
> ridicule, laugh at, scowl at, condemn, smear, pity and rage against
> the leaker. Retractions and redactions are demanded to protect he
> innocent. But never admit the truth of the leaks until after more
> leaks, then grudingly, with shallow apologies, layer by layer as the
> leaking continues.
> Attacks are initiated on the leaker's outlets and supporters, accusing
> them of being duped and hoaxed, demand that they too recant and admit
> being taken in by a crafty operator who did not understand the full
> picture, and was not a reliable worker.
> This is the pattern of cover-up, and it is widespread among
> malefactors working the same territory of duping the public on behalf
> of the government, usually after themselves being entrapped by
> officials and extorted into becoming informers and co-conspirators
> with officials. And if all goes well handsome contracts are used to
> cement the malefaction as a part of successful business of betrayal.
> This is what Nick Caputo revealed of Giganews, this is what Giganews
> must deny as formulaicly denied by Stratfor, by HG Gary, by Sabu, by
> Google, by Microsoft, by NSA, by DoJ, by FBI, on and on.
> ---
> 15 September 2014
> Giganews Is an FBI operation
> Cryptome,
> Let me explain my history at Giganews in Austin, Texas and how I
> learned about the FBI connection. I used to be a huge fan of Usenet
> and a customer of different newsgroup providers for several years, and
> I started working at Giganews in 2009. I rose through the company,
> being promoted to a system technician after 6 months, and became a
> Giganews system engineer less than two years after that.
> A huge pirate at the time, I loved the idea of helping people download
> all the "rich multimedia content" they could. The porn content is not
> safe on Usenet, and the groups with children being abused I find
> abhorrent. Customers would write in about it all the time, so its no
> secret to a Usenet employee where it is.
> Data Foundry is a data center company which is interconnected to
> Giganews with the same admins, nocs, etc. Their main office
> headquarters is at 1044 Liberty Park Dr in Austin. But, they host most
> of the Usenet content in other data centers around the world. While
> talking to the CEO of the entire operation, Ron Yokubaitis, I heard
> what I interpreted as his request to remove the child pornography
> groups when he asked, "Would you delete child porn?" I honestly loved
> the thought of removing that junk off of Usenet, and removed three cp
> newsgroups soon afterwards. This happened December 11th, 2011. I
> didn't remove anything related to the normal and more socially
> acceptable content Usenet downloaders know about.
> It turned out that that wasn't what the CEO really wanted, who then
> claimed he forgot what he said. The Giganews/Data Foundry admins
> Philip Molter and Mike Smith disciplined me for removing the child
> porn groups and didn't trust me to keep working there afterwards. They
> made subtle references to jeopardizing criminal investigations IN
> PROGRESS then threatened me with a bad reference for removing the
> child abuse junk. No big deal, a bad reference from them after doing
> that is good, but Philip restored the cp content from a backup I
> didn't have access to.
> Fast forward several months, I turned into a traitor in an effort to
> remove the abhorrent junk off Usenet - I broke the first and second
> rules not to talk about it, and told the FBI the truth about the child
> abuse groups deletion in an email. This probably wont go over well
> with internet freedom lovers, but sharing what I learned in the
> experience will, I promise. My seemingly traitorous act exposed the
> real traitor, the biggest one, to the Usenet network.
> The FBI invited me to their unlisted Austin office in a nondescript
> office building at 12515 Research Blvd, Building 7, Suite 400 in late
> October 2012. Two agents took notes on what I told them, then
> something unexpected happened. Special Agent Scott Kibbey told me he
> personally knew the Giganews / Data Foundry CEO, bragged to me about
> working there, then invited me back to Giganews! I had also helped
> them with a separate crime venue in Austin that Data Foundry was going
> to compete with, so I had earned their trust. In addition, Kibbey
> offered me a new name and identity, with a new drivers license and
> everything, if I were to go back to work at Giganews.
> It was then that I realized that the fed I was talking to had been my
> coworker at Giganews since I started in 2009! The other agent was
> actually an Austin police detective named Charles Riley helping the
> FBI whom worked alternate shifts to me at the Datafoundry NOC under
> alias. Riley even bragged about being a detective once at a shift
> change! The thought of my fellow Usenet systech in crime being a
> police detective was unthinkable at the time. I've included some of
> the emails from these feds (with email headers and IP addresses) in
> the link at end.
> Special Agent Scott Kibbey is central to the whole Giganews operation,
> including Data Foundry, but with different names. This agent is a top
> exec for Data Foundry, a top admin for Giganews, the Golden Frog front
> company run from the same Usenet servers for VyprVPN, and the other
> Usenet fronts, Supernews, Rhino Newsgroups, and
> Powerusenet. Another business front name they used when I was there is
> Powerhouse Management. Kibbey rolled out the OS images, kernels,
> patches, setup the entire VyprVPN service including the detailed
> logging which is easily accessible to him and the other government
> agents working there.
> There were also rumors agents from other governments worked there The
> Hong Kong Giganews servers were brought down in early June 2009 by a
> Chinese employee, the day of the Tiananmen Square anniversary when the
> Chinese government was blocking everything online. This means the
> VyprVPN connecting IP addresses are accessible to the Chinese
> government indirectly through this employee. Anyone using the VyprVPN
> service that governments are targeting is in danger, honestly.
> This is my warning - that all of the content being downloaded and
> shared on the Usenet network is going through the authorities!
> Giganews customers are being logged! The log file is called the
> "gigauth" on their "cruncher" servers which logs every connection by
> every customer, which are then archived. This means Usenet uploaders
> are helping the feds monitor the distribution of Usenet content if
> their newsgroup provider peers with Giganews!
> I swear to you that Giganews is an operation that employs federal
> agents who run most of the operation. I suggest demanding from your
> newsgroup provider that they stop the peering of binary groups to
> FBI's Giganews. Please understand how risky this is for me to explain
> as Agent Kibbey subtly threatened my family on behalf of Data Foundry
> the second time I met both agents at the Austin FBI office. The
> traitors saw me as a threat and said I did not cooperate. Even with
> this threat, please warn Giganews customers and other Usenet users,
> and use the evidence I've linked. If the google drive link dies, email
> me for a new one. Agents Kibbey and Riley did not let me photograph
> them, but I did include a scan of their business cards. Riley didn't
> have an FBI badge or card, but he had an email address, ip,
> and Austin Police Department badge.
> I've linked pictures of my Giganews badge and the shirts with their
> red armor logo I was forced to wear when working there. I've also
> linked to the Giganews/Data Foundry employee list with in-office mug
> shots, phone numbers and emails they gave me. I did not agree to
> return this on their employee paperwork, so it is not illegal to
> share. They thought I did, though. I doubt the names and phone numbers
> they used internally are all real, as many are likely aliases and
> fed-routed voip proxies. Most of the emails changed to
> before I left from the ones listed in the 2011 employee pdf. Some of
> the mugshots are photoshopped by them, as the pictures did not match
> the physical appearance of some, likely to hide in case of someone
> like me exposing these traitors.
> Feel free to upload this to any newsgroup that Giganews carries -
> Their customers need to know.
> -Nick Caputo

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