[liberationtech] With This Tiny Box, You Can Anonymize Everything You Do Online | WIRED

Cathal Garvey cathalgarvey at cathalgarvey.me
Mon Oct 13 12:11:33 PDT 2014

Security wise, what's the deal with using VPN through Tor? Convenience
stacks up very well, you get an IP that's less likely to get
blocked/captcha'd, and you avoid evil relays (provided your VPN has
pre-shared-certs). But, does it open you up to a whole new world of
circumventing-tor's-security-hax pain?

Also, any guides out there to accomplish this? :)

On 13/10/14 19:54, coderman wrote:
> On 10/13/14, Travis Biehn <tbiehn at gmail.com> wrote:
>> ...
>> Interested in update mechanisms, interdiction resilience, trusted boot, web
>> / other interfaces.
>> These devices just change and expand your threat surface.
> back in 2007/2008 we launched the Janus Privacy Adapter devices. first
> on dual NIC gumstix, then on the now defunct Yoggie Gatekeeper Pro
> hardware. both of these had a minimal footprint, two ethernet jacks
> for transparent proxy in-line, and power via USB.
> updates deployed via hidden service, or yourself via command line ssh.
> the attack surface (on device) was minimal, as the control port was
> not exposed to the network, etc.
> client risk is another story, considering untrusted exit relays and
> insecure protocols. for this reason we applied a number of band-aids
> blocking known risky ports. this is not an effective approach, and
> EPICFAIL shows how a single request not behind Tor proxy unmasks
> perfectly.
> best case you would use a Tor Browser on each of the hosts behind the
> privacy appliance in transparent proxy mode. (e.g. TOR_TRANSPROXY=1
> before launching) and block any other application or service from
> communicating over the network.  this significantly impairs
> functionality, however.
> as also mentioned in the article, there have been other variations on
> this theme, with more or less robust security posture on device and
> for the users behind.
> many of these considerations are outlined in the transparent proxy
> page: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TransparentProxy
> best regards,

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