POTUS jammin'

Cathal Garvey cathalgarvey at cathalgarvey.me
Fri Nov 28 05:52:17 PST 2014

To clarify on your "complexity" argument, are you saying that the 
POTUS-parade may be employing technology that detects other devices by 
their output signatures, then fires a noise-beam specifically at them to 
maximise power delivery and minimise energy costs/unnecessary interference?

If that were the case, then a shielded, passive receiver ought to be OK, 
would that not include a HAM radio in listen-only mode? (<- Knows little 
about HAM) ->So, did OP broadcast much prior to the interference, or was 
their rig poorly shielded?

For my part, I just doubt they're using intelligent jamming because cost 
isn't really a factor in their requirements, is it? They can just blare 
out on all the frequencies they care about, and strong-arm providers at 
other spectra to blackzone the region. How much power is needed to jam 
at the frequency band you described? We're talking about a cavalcade 
that could, if they considered it necessary, employ a portable nuke! 
Power ain't a limiting factor! :)

On 28/11/14 08:46, coderman wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Gregory Foster
>> <gfoster at entersection.org> wrote:
>>> Did Dan Geer just troll Juan for the holidays?
> we all celebrate in preferred personal ways,
>   :P
> On 11/27/14, grarpamp <grarpamp at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Jammin is crypto, on topic...
>> So continuing on topic...
>> I'd bet there are papers somewhere about the difficulty in jammin
>> true spread spectrum crypto stuff. Perhaps HERFing
>> the receiver junction is better option if in range.
> here's the game:
> a. you control power
> b. you control range
> c. you control complexity
> so spreading spectrum farther, gets you lobes outside selective denial
> of service. but range can also extend to beam form in addition to beam
> width.
> power, of course, a similar game of effort - rise above the elevated
> noise floor for the win.
> a different type of attack and avoidance, in coding complexity, even
> up to logical protocol DoS.
> thus, to be the most difficult to deter, you would max all three: very
> high powered, very wide band,complex coded and efficient cognitive
> links over MIMO beam forming foundation.
> not long ago such requirements were comical. recently they became
> economically not completely infeasible.
> one day, eminently portable.. :)
> best regards and nazi holidays,

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