[Cryptography] STARTTLS, was IAB Statement on Internet Confidentiality

coderman coderman at gmail.com
Fri Nov 28 00:56:45 PST 2014

On 11/19/14, grarpamp <grarpamp at gmail.com> wrote:
> ...
> Today some people on this list tried to tell me that 'Port 25 is SMTP'.
> That's funny because I use it for SSH.

and i run OpenVPN on UDP 53 and TCP 443.

the problem is i can only run them on some provider networks, just
like an ICMP tunnel only works so many places.

fuck the public Internet[0], let's all meet on ORCHID overlays! [1]

0. the Internet, as we used to think of decentralized edge driven
networks, is dead.  post-Snowden, all IPv4 is DEF CON wireless. let it
die in peace...

1. and by this i mean ORCHIDv2 on a traffic analysis resistant
datagram anonymity network, like Tor on steroids with GPA and
active-DeanonDoS resistance.

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