Whatsapp open source

Cathal (Phone) cathalgarvey at cathalgarvey.me
Wed Nov 19 02:19:58 PST 2014

"This license is for your protection as a Contributor"

What a load of shite. Here, have my copyright. I'm safer without it, I could slip on it or something.

On 19 November 2014 10:06:46 GMT+00:00, Nikos Roussos <comzeradd at fsfe.org> wrote:
>On 11/19/2014 11:15 AM, Marco Pozzato wrote:
>> I just double checked:
>>   * twitter: moxie wrote "it's the same code"
>>   * github: GPL3 license
>> That means that Whatsapp is going to open source their app: this is
>Probably not.
>Open Whispers has the right to dual license the code to any
>license (eg. BSD) for a 3rd party.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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