RedPhone Removed from Google Play Store

Cathal Garvey cathalgarvey at
Thu Nov 13 03:12:23 PST 2014

Nope, I haven't had to install Play for Textsecure at all, and I don't 
use or have a personal Google account. When it offers to set up data 
channel, just skip it, and TS reverts to encrypting over SMS instead.

Redphone also has a "no google" mode where it announces incoming calls 
to other RP users with a simultaneous SMS, but I've found it to be very 
buggy in my builds; calls connect but no sound transmitted, etc.

As far as "where to get it", here's a copy:

Cert is self-signed:
SHA1: 63:9B:E2:FA:D8:A9:66:DE:46:B7:E4:C2:18:47:73:04:C0:12:FE:1F

This is an older build by now. Frankly I'm holding out for a JS build of 
Textsecure and I'll probably try FFOS, then. FDroid and Textsecure are 
my "killer apps" tying me to Android. I just wish Moxie would let them 
play nice together.

On 12/11/14 23:13, Seth wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Nov 2014 14:29:04 -0800, <bluelotus at> wrote:
>> Where can TextSecure be downloaded?
> Best workaround I've found so far if you want to download Google Play
> APKs on your computer and then transfer them to your phone manually is
> Raccoon:
> Requires java along with a 'dummy' Google account, but gets the job done
> with the least amount of hassle.
> Unfortunately, it appears that TextSecure still requires the Google
> Services framework to be installed and running on the Android device.
> Haven't figured out yet how to do this manually this without installing
> Google Play.
> Also, FWIW, you can (or at least you used to be able to) manually remove
> a Google account from an Android phone without having to factory reset
> the device.

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