Fwd: [liberationtech] XMPP object encryption at IETF about to die...

rysiek rysiek at hackerspace.pl
Wed Nov 12 11:03:04 PST 2014

Dnia środa, 12 listopada 2014 01:57:57 odinn pisze:
> Lack of interest and engagement????
> Maybe I'm thinking of different things here, but OTR is part and
> parcel of how Adium works, and cypherpunks has an OTR plugin for Pidgin.
> And these tools are very widely used by those who utilize XMPP option
> through either Adium or Pidgin with OTR!  There's no lack of interest
> in it.
> As an aside:
> You can use https://tox.im with Pidgin or Adium:
> 1) https://lilithlela.cyberguerrilla.org/?p=3060
> 2) https://wiki.tox.im/Tox_Pidgin_Protocol_Plugin
> 3) https://wiki.tox.im/Adium_Tox_Plugin
> So... getting to my question:
> Griffin, by lack of interest and engagement, do you mean that more
> people need to comment on tools.ietf.org/html/draft-miller-xmpp-e2e in
> order for it to move forward, or... something else?
> And if our comments in support of this object-encryption standard are
> needed, to who should they be best directed for greatest effect?

As far as I understand, this draft is something different from OTR, and maybe 
that's the reason it dies a slow death -- OTR is "good enough".

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