they crushed Aaron because they could, they destroy lives across the globe because they can, my fellow frogs in the boiling pot, how much is too much?

coderman coderman at
Sun Nov 9 02:38:11 PST 2014

they crushed Aaron because they could,
 they destroy lives across the globe because they can,
  my fellow frogs in the boiling pot,
   how much is too much?

I’d been asked by the headmaster of Northshore Country Day to come and
speak to the middle school, and, for some reason, there was this 10 or
11 year old that was in among the middle schoolers. And I spent the
afternoon – this was a time when, I don’t think there were that many
people who felt the way I did about this stuff. Most of them are in
this room now. And I was promoting the idea that we could make a world
where anybody anywhere could give his thirst for knowledge and his
curiosity everything that it wanted to know. And *anybody* could know
as much as any human being knew about any thing, in the future. He
didn’t say much. He was extremely memorable, however. He was much
younger. He was all eyes, and mind, and…spiritual radiance, in a way.
And I scarcely saw him again.

But years later… Last year, at one point, when I was with a bunch of
copyright barons in Paris at the EG8, and they were all talking about
how enforcement and education was gonna come out right, and it was
gonna be just like the War on some Drugs. And I happened to be on a
panel with these guys. I said “you know, you think you’ve won this
thing, or you will win this thing. But the truth is that you’ve turned
a whole generation into an electronic Hezbollah. And you will be dead
when they are alive. And I was thinking of Aaron Swartz and it’s
really very difficult for me to see that he is dead, and they are
alive. But he is not dead, and they will be.


i cried when Aaron died,
 i raged when Snowden leaked,
  yet now i am calm and dedicated.

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