Operation Onymous

Rich Jones rich at openwatch.net
Fri Nov 7 10:18:34 PST 2014

Second wave of arrests:

More than 400 onions seized, 17 arrests. "In addition to the takedowns of
drug markets Silk Road 2, Cloud 9 and Hydra revealed Thursday
<http://www.wired.com/2014/11/dark-web-seizures/>, it’s also busted
contraband markets like Pandora, Blue Sky, Topix, Flugsvamp, Cannabis Road,
and Black Market. Other takedown targets included money laundering sites
like Cash Machine, Cash Flow, Golden Nugget and Fast Cash. And agents have
taken from criminal suspects more than $1 million in bitcoin, $250,000 in
cash, as well as an assortment of computers, drugs, gold, silver and
weapons that they had yet to fully catalogue."

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