are USB floppies toxic?

dan at dan at
Sun Nov 2 17:32:51 PST 2014

With respect to

> More generally, search for "charge only usb cable" ...

at the other end of the spectrum, more or less, see the following.



Being secure is as easy as charging your phone.

Simply connect your Android device to the Skorpion charger and it will be
scanned for malware, viruses, and malicious rootkits while it charges.

     * Cutting edge security
       Ensure mobile device integrity with Kaprica's leading edge
       innovation. Nation-state quality technology can now be yours.

     * Clear scan results
       LED indicator lights let you know if risks have been detected or if
       your device is clean. A green light means no problems - a red one
       means trouble.

     * Part of your daily routine
       Scan whenever you need to charge - no hassle of extra steps or
       additional software. High level technology at your fingertips.

How does it work?

The Kaprica charger is a three-step system that happens automatically without
any user interaction.

     * 01 Quick Scan
       In as little as 2 minutes you'll know if your mobile device has
       been infected with malware.

     * 02 Deep Scan
       In as little as 6 minutes, a deep scan reveals malicious changes to
       your OS.

     * 03 Report Scan Results
       Our web interface quickly and quietly identifies and reports on any
       malicious content and the cleanliness of your mobile device.

Extensive reporting and interactive dashboard for enterprise-level IT

Data collected by the Skorpion charger is sent back to Kaprica's servers and
clearly displayed in the administrative dashboard.

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