Re: Harvard and MIT Students Launch ‘NSA-Proof’ Email Service | Betabeat

Kelly J. Rose iam at
Tue May 20 08:05:37 PDT 2014

Which is totally subverted if you are American citizens or located in the
us. Simply by the national security letters.

You could have the sexiest cryptosystem ever and the NSL attack will still
beat you if you put it on American soil.

On Tuesday, May 20, 2014, Lance Cottrell <loki at> wrote:

> Just read the “Threat Model” section of the website. They are working to
> prevent mass surveillance, not to stop targeted nation state level attacks
> against individual users.
> -Lance
> --
> Lance Cottrell
> loki at <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','loki at');>
> On May 19, 2014, at 10:36 PM, Александр <afalex169 at<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','afalex169 at');>>
> wrote:
> well, it
> seems too good to be truth.
> Recently we"ve got a lot of projects like that.
> Yes, there are enthusiasts.
> A real good ones.
> But we should also ask ourselves,
> (except what tpb-crypto mentiond), who these guys are? Could they be a
> project of... the NSA itself?
> Yes.
> I read their security section. The first thing in my mind (i am not tooooo
> paranoid:)) is that it is too good. It is absolutely free WITHOUT any
> mention of donations.
> Not even a mention.
> Who supports them? Can we trust him/it?
> Are they millionaires:)?
> We see not even one word about the money.
> Second of all, when you read their
> security section, its like a honey for bees - it invites you. Its ideal.
> Too much ideal.
> So yes, i rely on my feelings too, and there is something wrong with that.
> These guys are from Germany:
> It seems to me a better choice (except the problem of the fact that
> Germany has got its nsa=bnd and that they give everything to nsa)
> In the end, we need to trust someone. But we dont read their minds:). And
> it could be, after all, a big fall.
> We"ve got pgp. Thanks God.
> But a 100% reliable and bulletproof email provider?
> No.

Kelly J. Rose
Edmonton, AB
Phone: +1 587 982-4104
Twitter: @kjrose
Gtalk: iam at
MSN: msn at

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