HackRF will likely start shipping in August

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Tue Jul 22 04:45:36 PDT 2014

(the tinfoilhatterati will understand and rejoice)


HackRF One is now available for pre-order from:

HakShop (US)
NooElec (US/CA)
Hacker Warehouse (US)
Ada's Technical Books (US)
Wall of Sheep (US)
Store4Geeks (SE)
Passion Radio Shop (FR)
Passion Radio Shop UK (UK)
iSource Asia (CN)
WiMo (DE)

Pre-ordered units will ship immediately after all rewards have shipped to Kickstarter backers, estimated July 2014. For the latest information on development and manufacturing, follow the Kickstarter updates.

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