BadBIOS forensics

Steve Furlong demonfighter at
Wed Jul 16 07:41:34 PDT 2014

On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 7:19 AM, Bluelotus <bluelotus at>
> I am donating BadBIOS infected laptops, flashdrives, tampered live fedora
CD, infected personal files (plain text files, MP3, PDF, jpg, tiff, doc),
infected external DVD writer, etc. to any one interested in conducting

Forensics is fine, I suppose, but wouldn't it be better to donate them to
some organization that you don't like? The reelection committee for some
politician you don't like, a lobbying group whose position you despise, or
a charity which is conspicuous for high overhead might be deserving

(Not on topic, but I never donate cash to charities or other
not-for-profits. I've done various support work (as a paid consultant) for
quite a few NFPs, including work on their accounting databases, and every
single one had funny business going on with the money. Not necessarily
covering up pilferage by corporation bosses, though there was some of that,
but always overhead that was much higher than reported. And usually the
total compensation of the bosses was much higher than reported, if you
include non-trivial expenses like paid-for cars. I'm not interested in
putting money in the pocket of someone with three times my income while
they poor-mouth to get more donations.)

Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet. -- Arnaud-Amaury, 1209
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