On trolls - was Re: BlackHat2014: Deanonymize Tor for $3000

Zenaan Harkness zen at freedbms.net
Sat Jul 5 04:54:18 PDT 2014

On 7/5/14, rysiek <rysiek at hackerspace.pl> wrote:
> Dnia sobota, 5 lipca 2014 01:54:26 Juan pisze:

>> HA! I bet you are so crazy as to think that the tor guys are stupid
>> liars! You freedom hating commies!

So what are us freedom hating democrats s'posed ta do?

What about freedom loving commies?

Or free loving hippies?

What if I'm just a communist in my beliefs and am sittin'
on the fence about all those individual freedom things?

>> and so on and so forth...

Indeed :)

> See, the thing is: the fact that somebody submitted such a
> talk doesn't mean it holds any water yet.

Of course, but the point is:

> some held some water and caused changes to Tor.
> That's the normal lifecycle of any complicated project.

Did I mention, you made a good point?

> But ah, why am I feeding the trolls? :)

Because trolls are juicy. And ripe for comedy.
And we all enjoy a good spit roast now and then. :?

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