Spam more i2p outproxies? (Was: Re: BlackHat2014: Deanonymize Tor for $3000)

grarpamp grarpamp at
Sat Jul 5 11:29:08 PDT 2014

On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 4:20 AM, Cathal Garvey
<cathalgarvey at> wrote:
> Quite right, there's no reason why there can't be more, except for the
> liability of actually hosting those exits. OTOH, there are now plenty of
> hosts who accept bitcoin for hosting in countries that probably don't
> give a damn about outproxies, so why not crowdfund a set of dedicated
> high-bandwidth outproxies?

Legally, in most western / sane countries, there are provider/carrier/isp
exceptions exits fall into such that running exits (tor/i2p/vpn/proxies) is not
a problem... Tor has about 1000 of them. And if you follow,,,, you'll find lots of donation
and funding efforts. runs PR challenges. This all applies to I2P and
other projects, they could join together in these efforts, and develop some
more of their own as well.

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