Fwd: [tor-talk] according to leaked XKeyScore source NSA marks all Tor users as extremists, puts them on a surveillance list

Seth list at sysfu.com
Thu Jul 3 08:26:37 PDT 2014

On Thu, 03 Jul 2014 04:11:45 -0700, coderman <coderman at gmail.com> wrote:

> Subject: [tor-talk] according to leaked XKeyScore source NSA marks all
> Tor users as extremists, puts them on a surveillance list

I use Tor for just about all my daily web browsing.

I also run a Tor relay from home. Even run my own mail server, XMPP and  
Friendica nodes from home.

Guess that makes me an ultra-extremist.

The irony? I only decided to start using Tor by default for everything  
once I became aware of the near total nature of passive surveillance.

So if using Tor makes me an 'extremist' well, please accept this heartfelt;
  _      _____ _____ _  __  __  ____     __  ____          _      _        
_____   _   _  _____
| |    |_   _/ ____| |/ / |  \/  \ \   / / |  _ \   /\   | |    | |     /  
____| | \ | |/ ____|  /\
| |      | || |    | ' /  | \  / |\ \_/ /  | |_) | /  \  | |    | |    |  
(___   |  \| | (___   /  \
| |      | || |    |  <   | |\/| | \   /   |  _ < / /\ \ | |    | |      
\___ \  | . ` |\___ \ / /\ \
| |____ _| || |____| . \  | |  | |  | |    | |_) / ____ \| |____| |____  
____) | | |\  |____) / ____ \
|______|_____\_____|_|\_\ |_|  |_|  |_|    |____/_/     
\_\______|______|_____/  |_| \_|_____/_/    \_\

Really there's nothing to lose at this point by encrypting and anonymizing  
every bit that leaves every computer you own.

If NSA wants to own my devices I'll keep cycling them out on a regular  
basis with new and used gear I pay for in cash and pick up in person.

> Conclusion: the world needs way more extremists. If they want cake, they
> should get it in abundance.

I remember reading somewhere that on any given day in the 'United State'  
there are a couple hundred thousand active Tor users. We should add  
GnuNET, I2P, CJDNS, CurveCP and many more to that list.

I am Spartacus!!!
I <3 nicely trimmed email replies

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