Fw: Why didn't Snowden disclose Heartbleed (and others)?

jim bell jamesdbell9 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 15 16:57:06 PDT 2014

From:jim bell <jamesdbell9 at yahoo.com>

From:Lodewijk andré de la porte <l at odewijk.nl>

2014-04-15 21:11 GMT+02:00 Cypher <cypher at cpunk.us>:

This is why I've long been an advocate of total disclosure. I think
>the document holders should publish everything they have. After they
>do that, they could continue to 'leak release' documents with detailed
>explanations for those who are too lazy or too confused by the
>documents to sift through them and read them but having a document
>dump out there would make the process of disclosure /much/ faster.
>The problem is that the general public is very slow to learn. Every step along the way even the wise said things >like "OH! The NSA said A, but they'll never say B!". Then two weeks later the docs show that B has not just >been said, it'd been SCREAMED. Then the word is "But they'll never say C!". Etc. Maybe at some point >people will pick it up differently.

>It also fits the media format better to drip info. A new news article every new drip. That makes for a lot more >exposure.

If they are going to 'drip, drip, drip' it, they should release it all first in hashed form, so that:
1.    We ultimately know we get it all.
2.    We know it hasn't been modified from the form it was originally in.
                 Jim Bell
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