NSA good guys

rysiek rysiek at hackerspace.pl
Mon Apr 14 14:57:16 PDT 2014

Dnia poniedziaƂek, 14 kwietnia 2014 22:08:29 tpb-crypto at laposte.net pisze:
> > Message du 14/04/14 02:01
> > De : "Linux User"
> > 
> > > So. Are the NSA guys good guys? Well. They're the enemy of the
> > > people, as they invade their privacy and therewith their safety. If
> > > you can be blackmailed, studied, influenced, etc. you are weak and
> > > vulnerable. Preaching to the choir, I guess.
> > 
> > Well, I get the impression that some of the voices of this
> > choir still need some preaching directed at them =P
> > 
> > I noticed something interesting in digital 'security'
> > circles. People who deal with 'security' are, at first sight,
> > technical people and are concerned with issues such as
> > factoring integers, permutations, routing protocols, etc.
> > etc. etc.
> > 
> > However, all their technical expertise exists to
> > achieve some political goals. And when you look at the
> > political beliefs of these people, you see that they suck big
> > time. As engineers they may be competent, but there's a step
> > above engineering, and there, they fail.
> Since when politics is a "step above" anything? Politicians are the lowest
> of the low thugs and thus so is their art of thievery.

There are two main meanings of the term "politics".

The one you are referring to is the "pardon-less, dirty fight for power", and 
is the reason many describe themselves as "apolitical".

The other is the classical "of, for, or relating to citizens":

This is the one I and the parent spoke about. It is not about the 
temporary/current power struggle, but about the general *policies* 
regarding... well, anything, really.

For example, the fact that Deric Lostutter faces more jailtime than rapists he 

...is a direct effect of hackers not engaging in politics (in the second 
sense). And a great exemplification of the good old "regardless of whether or 
not you are interested in politics, politics *will* get interested in you, 
eventually" rule.

I despise the first version of "politics"; I firmly stand on the position we 
have to start engaging in the second version, though.

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