[coreboot] [liberationtech] Fwd: Firefox OS with built in support for OpenPGP encryption

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Sat Sep 21 05:44:10 PDT 2013

----- Forwarded message from David Hendricks <dhendrix at google.com> -----

Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 12:07:00 -0700
From: David Hendricks <dhendrix at google.com>
To: Patrick Georgi <patrick at georgi-clan.de>
Cc: Coreboot <coreboot at coreboot.org>
Subject: Re: [coreboot] [liberationtech] Fwd: Firefox OS with built in support for OpenPGP encryption

> Both of these boxes let you reflash your system firmware with your
>> custom build of BSD-licensed TianoCore UEFI.
> BSD-licensed TianoCore + heaps of binary modules that are currently only
> available under NDA.
> They'd also require some additional code (probably binary only?) to make
> Tiano resembling something like a complete and secure implementation.

And as far as FOSS firmware development goes, Gizmo Board (
http://www.gizmosphere.org/why-gizmo/gizmoboard/) is far superior and
actually ships with fully functioning open source firmware derived from
coreboot. No blobs, no restrictive licensing.

>  <soapbox>
>> There is a large OEM/ODM/IBV/IHV/ISV ecosystem that currently runs the
>> hardware, and it is UEFI-centric. IMO, focusing only on fringe
>> Lemote/Coreboot technology is not a good bet.
> coreboot is your only bet on x86 if you aim for open source firmware. It
> can be combined with TianoCore to provide the UEFI APIs to the user (read:
> Operating System), but TianoCore alone won't do since it lacks hardware
> initialization drivers (that coreboot provides).

Indeed. TianoCore is not a full firmware implementation -- It usually sits
atop a layer cake of non-free / binary components that do the actual work
of initializing the hardware.

As Patrick points out, Coreboot running with TianoCore on top as a payload
can accomplish what you seem to be asking for. There has been substantial
work done here already, so if you *really* need UEFI services you can work
on polishing it up:

David Hendricks (dhendrix)
Systems Software Engineer, Google Inc.

coreboot mailing list: coreboot at coreboot.org

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Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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