[7] code constellations

brian carroll electromagnetize at gmail.com
Sat Sep 21 12:41:55 PDT 2013

--- intro ---

observation based on the assumption that everything is code, to some degree
or other. in this, that everything that can be is mapped into language
systems and mathematical context, and that there is an outer boundary or
edge of description, rationalization, where questions and ideas meet,
beyond pre-existing answers and ideologies- new data or anomalies that
break the worldview, reigning perspective, or shared context.

code is thus not just an invention from punchcard looms for algorithms of
calculation and thus only in its binary format legitimate, nor is crypto so
limited to only be an issue of silicon hardware/software tools for
conveying hidden or secure messaging. metaphor to semaphore as language
itself flips its bits.

quilts an example of stories embedded within a particular structural
system, telling of events and people within an abstracted language
requiring 'increased awareness' or  'new literacy' to decode. patterns-
modular constructions, repeated and unique, style as it relates to
substance and the symbolic- likely a more pure form of communication than
buggy computer code as a basis for the same, seemingly even more secure if
the connection is hidden and inaccessible to the unknowing, except shared
key quilters.

atmosphere created and sustained this way as consciousness, shared
understanding and awareness and value and systems of communication,
association and correlation, and grounding of ideas within the realm of
objects, ideas made tangible via the material and yet not cold and detached
and themselves hidden, and instead upfront, aesthetic creations asking to
be looked at, reviewed, evaluated, inspected, and maybe perhaps you could
also begin to read and understand the stories they are carrying within.

pattern recognition, in this way, though into deeper interpretation than
soup can label equals soup can label, the realm of nuance and
juxtaposition, advanced dynamics of association, frameworks, scaffolding,
structures built to convey such messaging.

in this way, so too flower arranging. decentralized and distributed code
networks, perimeters of dynamic interrelations, flowers appearing at events
as symbolic subtext to mediate exchange or secure and enhance a shared zone
via their given aesthetics. these, wide ranging and as deep as nature and
its understanding. the gear-like flower evoking perhaps a mechanization,
the colors their own language mapping the world and its social dynamics,
love, friendship, drama and danger, specific patterns telling stories birth
to death, celebration to impending doom. sunrises and sunsets, the moon and
birth of stars, and of music in their visual and fragrant ethereal delight,
the reminder of what is missing in the technological assemblage, detached
from nature, by comparison a vase of sensors and LED candlelight fail to
warm the heart, imagination.

and thus the floral arrangement as form of secure communication, for
someone to not know of this realm of cultural literacy, to miss the icepick
flower amidst others, while those who see it know what is arriving next.
and thus of limits and bounds to observation, as crayon-like simplicities
exist for awareness by the uninitiated, especially those without
appreciation for natural aesthetics and their language- and the lost
intelligence that results from this, which itself can be a security threat
if not able to read the signs, especially as they may occupy one's
particular world.

in this way the code of flowers can be a highly developed skill and
awareness, a means to establish secure communication and remote connections
at a distance, even if relayed or in the presence of others, given a shared
framework for interpretation. and so some observers may be effectively
blind to the hidden content or code within, and incapable of reading the
details or structures involved,which could be patterns on the flowers
themselves, the different types of leaves or various plant forms, as these
combine into larger relational structures that can mirror the surrounding
world and provide insight via this correlation and alignment, if developed
as a practice. for some it may never go beyond the color for roses as a
mapping of social protocol, a symbolic and perhaps hollow expectation,
turned into a commodity. another thing. whereas for others this depth and
detail could be as large as nature to consider and communicate within, and
thus not only for the florist, the botanist and those who study and relate
and exchange ideas in these domains, this knowledge enabling code
similarly, across structural systems of empirical observation, this as

in this way the disciplines, archaeology to zoology, mechanics to small
businesses of a particular domain, hidden communications through the
symbolism involved in shared frameworks and exchange. at some point,
perhaps, additional messages carried along the carrier waves of these
shared structures and assumptions, rightly or wrongly.

the limit to this or conundrum seemingly being insight, or lack thereof and
instead a rote presumption of some bounded meaning that never goes into or
beyond the ordinary and thus in some sense dead ideas or ideological
dispositions to the same domain. this is the danger of rationalization,
deciding upon or fixing a perspective that may become rigid and
unquestioning, a regime of interpretation that may bound further inquiry,
improvement, and development beyond some prevailing condition. and in this
a lack of insight if not due to lack of reflection or self-awareness could
occur that instills and requires this incapacitation as a normality, as a
mode of existence. whereby things are only what they are, nothing else
beyond the given point of view. it could be the difference between ideas
which are alive and those that are dead.

consider birdwatching where some may observe birds to check off a
particular type of bird from their most-wanted observational list and those
who may observe birds in their backyard or in the park and consider their
existence and enjoy their presence. if birdwatching was just a
pattern-matching exercise the larger issues of birds such as their role as
mobile sensors of environment health and a diagnostic for changing
ecosystem patterns could be detached from this, and thus only the checkmark
matters and amounts to a leisure activity without greater insight into what
is actually being observed. whereas if birding data is fed into larger
databases by bird watchers or others who monitor habitats, that can help
build maintain and adjust models to help account for present and future
ecological dynamics, which can relate to policy if it were a value in
civilizational development, versus a footnote without a feedback loop
enough to actually alter the dynamics, due to development patterns having
turned the entire realm of wildlife into compartmentalized zoos, emptied of
larger species of wildlife, the state parks now held within zones of
unending suburbanization. those who can see and understand what it means
when there are no robins singing in spring may then understand the
signaling of nature in regards to its pattern language, or as with clouds
and weather, connect with this natural knowledge and as others likewise,
relate in a shared awareness and domain with regard to its meaning,

in this way, the pileated woodpecker may signify something and in its
mystery, in sighting or observing it, there can be insight to find it in a
location that it has never been seen or known to exist. and likewise, a
card sent in the mail of a bird or wildlife scene may similarly evoke such
messaging, for the initiated. this is the realm of the symbolic and reliant
on shared awareness and understanding, else to simply evoke something
intangible that may never be understood in its depth for those without such
literacy, and therefore remain in a realm of mystery, missed connection or
a subtext that is inaccessible, though perhaps through another observer
this same event will find its grounding via secure connection. the
importance of boundaries and thresholds, and how bias skew and distortion
could create barriers to interpretation because some event is *unlike* and
thus may remain unobserved in its dimensionality where such meaning may be
encoded, if not encrypted, and this could be of a natural realm, nature
itself, or guided by human involvement and shaping of perception, as with
cards or arrangements or research developing and sharing perspectives.
though as information itself, whatever its substance, it would appear to
exist as knowledge that functions as code, has programmatic qualities and
degrees of comprehension that can lead from genetics and throughout the
chemical and biological sciences outward, to ecosystems and habits and
society and customs and rituals, and thus anthropology and onward, to the
mundane everyday that in itself can be extraordinary, simply in sitting in
a park or on the steps of a dwelling and to have such empirical encounters
that may be developed or accessed or communicate in such a realm, here nor
there in the context of technological civilization and yet primary to the
heart, connection with others, and another way of saying and sharing and
conveying vital information, ideas, shared awareness. and in this, a
weather report or gorgeous looping radar image could itself as language, as
a symbolic code, function as if a type of poetry via its visualization of
this ineffable other realm - such that, in its aesthetics, perhaps it is of
much greater value to have a 'painting' of such imagery looping within a
digital frame as a painting that a copy of a copy of impressionist works
centuries previous, as if most telling about what is beyond the door, lived
context. this then of representation, also. as signs align and correlate
with experiences. and the value of awareness, the meaning involved in these
events, their role as shared and unshared code. what are the domains of
this programmatic language and mathematics that you inhabit, like and
unlike others. what domains does this extra-communicative activity take
place. is it within hobbies or passions that make you unique, and how does
your depth of interest relate or bound you from others- what does it open
up in connection and allow for in terms of secure exchange and what does it
close down by its misalignment or lack of connection due to boundaries of
self and-or others?

again, literacy seems all-critical, and in this the issue of sparking or
developing that vital interest that opens up the fascination these
discoveries and revelations can have within a life. the oft told story of
young boys (and occasionally girls) whose fathers' taught them how to take
things apart or worked on electronics kits, many times engineers and many
with electronics backgrounds. whereas for others, the children may grow up
inept, and with no such skills, perhaps as their parents did not have this
same affordance either, thus impacting generation after generation in turn.

graffiti is another area of code consideration, especially in terms of its
ambiguity and potential difficulty in reading or deciphering for the
uninitiated or outsiders, whether via colors or various styles or the
meaning involved, though at the level of the alphabetic- the prevalence in
the "superposition" of multiple potential letters at the same time, within
the same word, to shift meaning via small details that can create out of
one word fragment, sentence-like constructions. this is a remarkable skill
and insight into the code of communicating and is an advanced approach to
that communication keyboard reliant, bounded in any such ambiguitization at
the scale of the letter itself, the typo occurring only by substitution
digitally, tnis, though perhaps it is a similar idea with an additional
typographic element, custom fonts allowing more to occur in the graphic

and it should be said, as part of this hidden communication context and of
code, that the cryptic writing oftentimes found on the back of streetsigns
offers yet another potential application of crypto code in the everyday
environment, no computers needed to observe yet without shared library or
literacy, likely impenetrable for meaning. though rumored -these
instructions- related to black helicopter society and direction for covert
civilization who may key in and out of these infrastructural subtexts,
markers as if waypoints, all signs eventually pointing to armageddon, this

--- on color coding ---

here, the sociological and cultural. 'whites' and 'blacks' as racial
identities and how much data and bias can be formatted into worldviews and
nuanced into structures relied upon by group identities. this then ranging
perhaps to context of rainbow as cryptic evaluation of the varying hues,
part of a larger shared spectral condition. and how beliefs, ideas,
philosophies can exist according to these frameworks. it could be more
complex or involved than color alone, and thus issues of boundaries,
rationalizations, and limited interpretations, as this relates to issues of
literacy and shared awareness and 'reasoning'. here again the binary is
most dangerous, to over simplify and then roughcut reality to only a
limited if self-biased viewpoint.

the role of depth in this, what is true is true, and getting or accessing
this truth versus trying to control and maintain some limited version of it
which best suits a partial idea, protecting that 'fragment' in place of the
larger whole and in doing so sacrificing the truth to sustain the larger
structural falsity as if this truth. and thus ungrounded observations often
seek to keep truth out to sustain a flawed POV and protect a version of
events, yet this is very shallow and cannot be sustained beyond the finite
limit, and itself bounds awareness to only what is inside that threshold.

whereas in a feedback based, error-correcting observation of a surrounding
context, the involved 'ecological dynamics' must be related to via accurate
modeling of truth and thus ideas models hypotheses must be able to include
truth of these dynamics and not seek to limit it via rationalization based
on some partiality, as if the whole. terrible language this though like
history, to fold into it humanity and women and not account for these
dynamics then establishes structural distortions, lies even, to uphold and
sustain a given false framework and unshared point of view.

and yet likewise, to seek to include the larger ecological dynamics of
female being the counterpoint within the same private limitation of
feminism establishes its own biases and repeats the structuralization
reliant upon the false perspective, in so far as larger truth is edited out
of the shared human relations, whereby again there is no public beyond that
of private wo|man and it becomes an issue of picking sides. nothing like
having a contest between men and women for the place of representing the
whole of humanity. it just does not make any sense, unless in a binary
framework that legitimates it as an ideology, a tradeoff canceling the
other reality, substituting it for a new one that shares and relies upon
the same structural defects, as origin. thus 'bias' is transformed into a
"right" and people can choose their own reality and this becomes a
political process born of inadequate constitutional code that fosters this
kind of programming that functions against humans and our shared awareness.

this, my view, is likely flawed though offered as an interpretation of
events and seeks to provide context for something that is formatting these
relations and the way they are communicated by others means. certainly
women themselves have developed their own ways of hidden communication and
language, though the further it has become ideological the more fragmented
the 'whole' view has been, where consensus is not an issue only of sex or
gender as a class, because there can be low resolution from any view as to
how it relates to a larger life, beyond a finite issue, as they combine
into a life involving others, including in some cases, the antithesis (if
not men).

for sake of madness if not sanity let us just imagine that the entire world
is run by men and even the domain of women is controlled by men, in some
place more readily yet even in unexpected realms like fashion, to the point
that androgyny tends towards the transvestite as the biased model for the
'shared aesthetics' of women, exhibiting a passive-aggressive hatred yet
viable substitute, where female beauty is replaced by an army of manmade
mannequins that have a male-friendly agenda, as an exploit even of the
sexual domain, a conquering and annihilation of female beauty and its
profanation such that her beauty cannot be allowed to exist without being
subverted, spoiled, used against her, just like corrupt crypto- buying into
it destroys the very idea, and this by design. and so what of an ideology
that could promote such a hidden agenda, what kind of cause would be
involved in using the sign and image of women and female beauty against
herself and also against the men who love her, making repugnant the
fascination and devotion by substituting it for something else (A=B),
therefore amplifying perhaps the ambiguity and confusion and turning
towards another approach, which tends towards the male-male dynamic as it
contains both the male (anima) and the female (animus) between males as a
bounded shared relation and awareness. In this way, the actual female is
removed from the male relation and replaced by another male who takes on
the female dimension, and such programming is used to control sexual
dynamics within the subset of males, such that the basis for relations

   males (female+male)

And likewise, for the other side of this divide, female relations:

   females (male+female)

This in terms of set(subset) relations, whereby male-female & male-male
would be the mating context, and female-male & female-female, in terms of a
sex/gender divide. A lot more to it than this, including adding in
dimensions of patriarchy and matriarchy and also God|desses, as these may
map into both realms simultaneously. And also the psychological basis for
these dynamics in their normality (female psyche of males = anima, male
psyche of females = animus) which is a vital part of the human maturation
process, whereby an adult is balanced in both their male and female aspects
and not seeking to retain only one-sidedness, which can lead to great
interrelation problems including abuse and suffering. The ideal relation of
this subtext code of being then being a 'human female' and 'human male' who
each have their own anima/animus issues that balance across the total
shared circuit of being, and this as a traditional basis for relations and
the wealth of developing long-term relation via marriage.

   male (anima) & female (animus)

or in other words, the totality of each person...

   male (masculine+feminine) & female (masculine+feminine)

And for each person this weighting could be different, some males may be
more feminine in certain dimensions than others, though more masculine in
certain areas, and likewise women may be more feminine or masculine
attributes, and this would need to be complimentary and balance across the
relations, which is psychological yet also social, which leads to belief
that opposites can actually be very complimentary as the circuitry can have
a full range across all the various potential dynamics.

the point of this being that there are issues of awareness involved in
identity, shared and unshared, and this especially so in terms of sexuality
and gender as it relates to a preexisting biased condition of state and
civilizational development that polarizes if not penalizes and makes
impossible grounded relations between males and females in a way that
'benefits both' and instead via binary relations could become an issue of
~one must lose for another to gain, this a structural condition an thus
destruction of family units and marriages because the foundation of
relations is such that "one person's rights take away another person's
equal rights". and thus an implicit form of submission is involved, both
culturally yet also personally in that to span the sexual and gender
dynamics can lead to normalizing this skew, structures thus reliant on
warping and distortion to maintain 'shared reality' that is actually
unshared and occurs by other means via subset dynamics (intra-woman,
intra-men) as this continues to divide and subdivide until there are no
relations anymore, else they become encrypted and only remote connections
are possible, feasible, because the exploitation and total control is so
complete, so annihilating, that there is no room anymore for love or
grounded passion or connection or shared insight, basically outlawed or
made illegal by the standing mediocrity that rules via this corruption.

and then there is a voice that arises, a shared perspective mapped into the
feminine, Code Pink within a mass mediated landscape that seemingly
represents something of this condition, a counterpoint that just makes
sense as a perspective- a viewpoint that is not confined within the
mainstream view if not due to disenfranchisement as part of a reasoning
process beyond that of private viewpoints- which has a public dimension,
and that males and females can relate to or through via its symbology. it
is as if a secret communication is given voice to say what is thought yet
otherwise not heard, or breaks into consciousness what already exists
within daily flows of relations and yet is silenced via these same
environments, specifically via bias and the role of female imagination and
action being removed from most every domain as having value and worth and
importantly- insight, and knowledge of what is going on. this, the conceit
of male perspective as primary and also superior in awareness, not
accounting for limitations or skew and thus choosing errors over their
correction if the feedback loop is broken or unobserved via power
relations, which is normalized. the burka of ideology forced onto the minds
of women as a means of controlling the state and the 'men' who require this
in order to have their stations, virtually.

--- crypto currency ---

this may be an impossible point to make. it involves the disconnect between
males and females as a structural necessity of the broken code of state and
its effect on these same relations in terms of how they are formatted and
within what frameworks, most especially the context of money- whereby to
survive people have to make decisions that can correlate with choosing
money versus love, say, as a path to existence. and thus 'those who love'
yet are without money, may be without female companionship and connections
while 'those with money who do not love' may have female companionship.

and it is assumed for those literate, that the males and females in these
situations are cognizant of their own conditions and decision-making and
trade-offs involved. and so it is not ignorance and instead perhaps
necessity, that females of interest are oftentimes with males essentially
most concerned with themselves, firstly. while other males who serve women
in their lives and actions may be living without them, though through their
devotion and service seek to reestablish the lost connection.

and this can be as fundamental as truth itself. truth of female existence
both in its existence context, the legitimacy of feminism in a context of
history, and associated politics and policies as a difficult terrain
required to obtain basic changes to the structures that oppress and limit
by default, though also of accompanying bias and distortions resulting from
any such interactions at the level of society, breakage occurring as the
gears are out of alignment across the totality of state and thus
demystifying and making regular the female role as that of another
constituent in a competing marketplace, as if him or her or me in any
instance of the individual and the public prerogative, who gets to speak in
this instance and in what frameworks.

in this way, in all honesty it becomes quite clear: women can be incredibly
shallow, selfish, and exploit dynamics mainly for their benefit and
self-serving viewpoints, and thus error-reliant perspectives and limited
interpretations can lead to classic dynamics that devolve unshared
relations- and this becomes "discourse" on television as wave after wave of
dysfunctional male and female dramas play out on the stage, cheating,
vanity, sexual subversion, physical violence and psychological abuse. as if
the television wasteland is the inner mind and what inhabits the deep
hidden recesses of the unknown, locally, yet as a sign becomes a reference
for given encounters. and thus the empirical aspect of the totality and its
partial relation and interaction. just like the bad man, the evil woman who
may seek to do harm or exploit others. and perhaps this has some relation
to programming, hidden code, reading signs, literacy. just the fact that it
can be acknowledged, perhaps the 'fall of woman' into a state of disgrace
even, as an archetypal form that cannot be allowed to exist anymore in the
corrupted society and thus she is represented by this deterioration
instead. as if 'the symbol' of woman has become her antithesis, by default
of a corrupt state.

this involving a corrupted state of being, likewise, for humans in this
context. the fracturing of higher self into lower realms of malfunctioning,
merely to survive. and thus as context, the opposite of ideal:

   broken male <--> broken female

perhaps disillusionment with reality itself, lack of choices or better
options or an incapacitation due to circumstance or unknowing, and then to
look across into the life of another and yet still bridge the gap via
shared understanding, beyond words. that the life still resides within,
there is a shared key between them, and despite everything in surrounding
structures that holds them apart, if the love is there and recognized - the
shared truth of the encounter and connection between them - then perhaps
there is still hope that their relations survives its destruction.

in the profane context, the same dynamic could occur in some sense in terms
of prostitution, whereby a secure exchange could be brokered between the
two via a structural agreement that establishes their relation, mediated by
money, allowing access and connection. and yet it would seem in most cases
pseudo-truth (pT) would be the basis for exchange and that this connection
is occurring in an unshared context more likely by default, or the
circuitry is misaligned in terms of a whole relation as it relates to the
emotional bond between beings. and so in some sense the male may be limited
and remain in their own interiority, albeit externalized via relation with
another, and the female could retain herself within her own boundary,
versus having these dimensions harmonized across a total circuit as happens
in a grounded relation that develops over time, and thus each person can
improve as part of this relation, involving shared commitment though
importantly: concern for the others well being not just in the framework of
the self though also in their framework, to want what is best for the
person and not seek to limit or control it to support only the self.

what is hypothesized is that for a male that is grounded in relation to
female consciousness and truly loves women, that even without "money" a
currency may exist in this as a shared truth that could be recognized by a
woman, and for this example it is to retain the context of a prostitute as
a dynamic range such a connection could exist within, of male whose work
may seek to support the human connection and her freedom to develop as an
individual, and a woman who may recognize the love this involves yet
without the money to access or share this secret connection with her.

and thus it is proposed that if this shared truth was recognized, and a
particular form of key exchange occurred, that this same situation could be
transformed by the transformation of this context of relation, whereby
human intimacy could develop via this shared currency of truth, the shared
idea, the belief and value, and in turn this could become sacred
prostitution by comparison, a real connection between these people that
involves shared keys, encrypted communication, shared awareness and
grounded relation that verifies the connection. thereby neutralizing
exploitation that could be inherent and allowing a new realm of connection
based on this shared truth and service and connection, devotion and work
and allegiance.

it is to suggest that perhaps it is in the color of clothing in relation to
another sign that this communication will occur, or perception of flowers
of nature as the realities align, and in this way the aesthetic
communication and its basis in life and love have within them this mystery
and secret that carries a connection that otherwise may seem absent or
entirely profane, and yet the yearning undying heart continues its work and
she knows this, and thus it may be an issue of communication and the
ability to relate in these terms, not as expectation, yet realization that
there may be other dimensionality that is possible, given the right

again, like equals in some domains, shared connection or understanding or
atmosphere that correlates in special moments, this another realm of
patterns, shared identity, value, principles, purpose, respect of other
views and gaining understanding and knowledge likewise. in this implicit
connection, what is shared is truth, what is secured is truth, what is
grounded is truth between them.

(that she knows you respect her, what you are doing is for her, that you
care for her... that you are not trying to game and exploit her.
peer-relation. human. and then perhaps, the hope of balance, the larger
truth of this relation between you. such that she too may desire to secure
the shared reality and support the males best for her.)

in this way, erotic truth in a context of code and logical reasoning. its
role in key exchange, encrypted relations, programming, hidden
infrastructures. and of pattern recognition and its relation to ideas,
behaviors, and social relations including onesided ideologies, structures
and frameworks based on error-reliant biased code.

this proposal then for the currency of erotic truth as a basis for
crypto.sex relations, if thoughts and feelings similarly aligned, verified,
exchange made accessible via shared agreement, within the defined
parameters of relation.

(in most all cases it would be up to her to initiate the potential for
intimacy, secretly indicating willingness to relate within shared
dimensions via pattern-based communications. are you aware of the codes she
communicates within... the aesthetic domain where her insight is supreme,
and where truth indeed aligns with beauty)
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