PayPal freezes MailPile's account

Yosem Companys companys at
Thu Sep 5 08:53:43 PDT 2013

Yes, but they could have used WePay, Stripe, or some other alternative.
 Remember Diaspora?  $80K in donations frozen by PayPal.  Once you get your
account unfrozen, as Diaspora learned, your momentum stops.  So it's
doubtful that they'll make over $45K now, without another appeal.

On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 5:19 AM, CypherPunk <cypherpunk at> wrote:

> On 09/05/2013 07:06 AM, Dan Staples wrote:
> > Why did they use Paypal? Probably because they are aspiring to gain
> > popular attention and support, and most people don't use Bitcoin; they
> > use Paypal and credit cards for online transactions.
> >
> > Of course Paypal is a liability in terms of privacy and the risks of
> > them doing something just like what they did, but if MailPile hadn't
> > gone with Paypal, it's likely they wouldn't have gotten the amount of
> > funding that was donated so far. It's always a tradeoff of risk,
> > especially when you're aiming to go mainstream.
> Oh I completely understand why they used Paypal. Like you said, not
> enough people use Bitcoin to really make a successful go of a Bitcoin
> based fundraising campaign. I'm just saying I'd like to see Indigogo
> offer Bitcoin as an option. I'm sure a lot of people would use it and it
> would also be a good way to get people interested in Bitcoin.
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