Snowden sets OPSEC record straight

coderman coderman at
Thu Oct 17 22:08:48 PDT 2013

On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 9:42 PM, Juan Garofalo <juan.g71 at> wrote:
>         He's still loyal to the american nazis. That's praiseworthy?

he is showing extraordinary discretion and restraint, and an
underlying approval for some fundamental american ideals, like
guaranteed right to individual privacy, though of course this should
extend to the world not just US citizens.

let's not forget that Guardian was forced to move this reporting to
the USA, because of GCHQ/her majesty's interference. and of course
there are plentiful locales where the activities of anyone involved
would strongly encourage a less than discrete "summary lack of
continued living incident" of some obscure manner.

at any rate, this is too long and detailed a conversation for today.

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