[linux-elitists] Browser fingerprinting

Carsten N. cane at jondos.de
Mon Oct 7 03:45:17 PDT 2013

On 07.10.2013 06:07, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> Who's got a browser that comes up reasonably generic
> on Panopticlick, and what did you do?


Panopticlick is a demonstration project, how browser fingerprinting
works and not a scientific up2date database for actual used browsers.

- The database is not a representative database, because most users, who
know something about the project and visit it, use a privacy-friendly
browser configuration.

- Old entries in the database were not deleted. Firefox 3.5.3 has one of
the best ratings in this database. But nobody uses this old browser
version any more. You will be unique with this user agent in real life.

- It is easy to manipulate the database. You can call the page with your
preferred browser multiple times and your preferred browser will be
higher rated.

Best regards

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