[16] technical footnote: möbius code

brian carroll electromagnetize at gmail.com
Sat Oct 5 12:46:27 PDT 2013

// disclaimer: all my posts on cypherpunks are copyright-free...

i just watched a video from the Numberphile on youtube and it
perfectly captures a conundrum at the intersection of mathematics and
language, in a context of communication and interpretation, as this
involves read/write processing and potential errors or different
pathways to grounding supposedly common [variables], as this also
involves boundaries and limits and thresholds that influence it

please watch the video before reading the analysis below, so as to
consider the information prior to a particular evaluation of it:

Politics and Numbers - Numberphile // 7:31 m


in the way that [categories] can move from one context of
interpretation [A=A] into another [A->B'], so too it is possible that
the relation to the data or variables in a given framework could exist
in another framework, beyond a given boundary of presupposed

therefore, hypothetical issues of [skin cream] and [gun control] could
be remapped into another context, via ambiguity and relations of
observers, that is the dimensionality that potentially could be
connected to the concepts in their {superposition}, and thereby
euphemism could also exist as a subtext or subconscious or alternately
referenced domain that is outside the "normal" interpretation yet
still existent in terms of mapping into a shared meaning structure.

in this way, responses equated with "correct answers" imply
correctness in this secondary realm, as if grounded by the equations
and their conclusions.

in this way, referencing [cream] and [guns] could relate to sexual
politics and their interpretation as well, as if part of the larger
inherent dynamics of language as this influences and effects
"variables" of math. that is, such parallel processing could be
occurring beyond a given boundary, and be camouflaged or hidden by
variables as a means of -secret communication-

thus: the clear-answering via such quasi-computation that "skin cream
is worse" and "ban on guns is better" has different political meaning
when evaluated and recontextualized in this hidden framework, which
may be the default situation for observer-observer communications, in
shared unspoken frameworks. implicit yet operating beyond the given
boundary, unlike, or stealth, though of a realm of shared
consciousness in some domains and not others.

this is indicated in an instance of double-talk (or perhaps there is a
more effective word for this) when the narrator confirms YES-YES  that
his colleague is "good at math" when looking into the camera and then
doing a second take- indicating "no", as if there is a parallel realm
or juxtaposition in double- or triple-layers of meaning, that instance
perhaps mathematic specific (e.g. good at math meaning can deduction
of simple analysis (yes) versus literacy of mathematician (no) as a
result of arriving at the correct answers, or interpretation).

the inflexion then, when the narrator sums up that  "there are people
who do understand science perfectly well, who still let beliefs CLOUD
their judgement", could be grounded in this 'other context' via its
use as an analogy or metaphor, shifting or confirming a certain
secondary or tertiary meaning that co-exists alongside or embedded or
nested within the 'mathematical framework' that undergoes reasoning
clash "processing" as if entirely 1:1 by default, even though having
these paradoxical aspects of language that it is mediating, that are
unstable, and 'multiple' in interpretation, which ground to different
circuits or could be _ungrounded yet validated by this transference of
'proof' or 'correctness' via pseudo-mathematical analysis, a secondary
reading inferred and -believed- as if primary, yet unchecked in its
own framework of assumptions yet by default held as valid, due to its
coherence as language via shared awareness, meaning, and thus TRUE by
default of its being reasoned in these terms. a context of an
educational classroom with a field of lavender chairs perhaps implying
a royal instructional dimension, even, as part of an ideological
predisposition to how information is transferred on several channels
simultaneously, yet also secretly.

in this way, so too, programming in relation to the [ideas] thus
categorized and used for computation. the inherent potential for
möbius code that turns a given interpretation inside-out or is
transformed in some elusive way, where a boundary is surpassed yet
there is no seeming accounting for its different from the inside. this
is how observer-observer relations could occur, where there is
discrimination occurring in a given context yet afforded plausible
deniability as these issues can simply be denied or disallowed as part
of the 'shared awareness'. it is also seemingly how code or programs
could exist at other levels or have other unaccounted for
functionality, given how they are interpreted and in what dimensions-
based on what is shared awareness and shared as boundaries and
consciousness. perhaps much goes unnoticed and much is allowed in this
same way, as to social dynamics yet also brought into computational
contexts, of reasoning and 'seeing' and observing and communication
itself. so what if there are hidden rules traveling alongside a given
communication exchange, and that these are oftentimes the primary
language that is mediated by "equations" as it were, discourse or
formulas- and yet it exists beyond an accounting in truth, of the
actual issues mediated in this hidden way. to me that is the very
basis for tyranny of A=B governing the ability to consider A=A
relations, because it is the boundary that limits that consideration,
and is ideological and beyond error-correction, functioning as dogma
yet also, potentially, shared governing falsity that itself becomes
infallible due to its existing in language, as code, or especially as
a mathematical construct which actually is subjective and ungrounded.

in this way the tyranny of mathematics and linguistics and their
hidden service to political agendas, as programmed and codified and
parsed, becoming platforms for the false-perspective, while the real
reality is muted, unable to speak, deemed crazy to try to account for
what is going on that is officially "missing", the hidden data and
hidden viewpoints that corrupt and conspire towards certain opaque
functioning, given perspective, literacy, boundaries.

in other words, [ideas] that become programs and exist in computers
are not error-checked or error-corrected at this level of accounting
for their functioning, and this could be a realm of the security
exploit or 'other coding' by default of the A=B difference in
interpretation and this may be inherent and inescapable yet also could
be designed for or around, yet requires modeling of paradox to do so,
to address the contingencies of variables in their multiplicity.
perhaps it is a cognitive exploit, the human processor and human
computation that is the issue as it then may read/write or interact
with, interpret, and parse other code, whether computer programs or
others ideas-- yet the assumption should be this is an ungrounded
observational position from the start, that so much is unaccounted for
in basic relations, and so much is "believed" even in common terms
without the ability to question conclusions or observations, which can
skew to only certain predisposed beliefs- very likely due to limits
and boundaries allowing for this. and thus the issue of infallible
observers who by default may base relations and evaluations upon their
unchecked through always already "true" viewpoints, itself is the
basis for decentralized tyranny of 'shared beliefs' that by their
being shared or confirmed, are equated with truth itself.

illiteracy in this context not only involves bounded or limited
analysis, it is also dangerous for others who may be silenced from
this same activity, where the common false perspective rules and
everyone must conform to unspoken yet actively communicated hidden
agendas. thus, the mathematics can by default of their being related
to and through, as interpreted language, be subjective and provide
cover or a mask for other language, as a sign system that provides for
such calculations to be confirmed, yet only in pseudo-truth. this is
the essential corruption. and it appears to reside in individuals
themselves as thinking and non-thinking beings, such that the
integrity of an observation may not be required to exist within the
observational self, instead it could be assumed a function of language
and its external mediation even, 'over there'.

in other words, 'errors in truth' may not be recognized or accounted
for within the observer themselves, yet form the basis for shared
observations with others in these secret or hidden channels in that
their being shared is used to confirm their truth, via their
usefulness. and yet the self is held beyond account for this, and can
continue in error or unchecked in limited or warped or skewed
interpretation, and this may be parallel to other observations or
coincide with them, beyond a given boundary, where it is shared by
some and unnoticed by others. yet this establishes the observer in
this realm as an infallible viewpoint, which can then interpret or use
structures parasitically while assuming equivalent deduction by
inference, yet which would be ungrounded and pseudo-truth by default
of its skewed accounting and not being testable or error-corrected in
the terms it exists, and instead offer a one-way communication of
"belief system" that is not held to any account, yet may govern over
what equations can be utilized within what limits, while secretly
exploiting them at the same time in this way.

thus to propose this is the default situation, until made transparent,
and ideas grounded otherwise- and all of this accounted for in
modeling of language and mathematics, which until that point would be
more false than true, given the probabilities involving continual use
of shared frameworks of pseudo-truth that are detached from empirical
accounting in the wider context of truth, thus tending toward zero and
total falsity by these very same covert means. ad nihilism.

16 -> ig-noble

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