Silk Road founder arrested ...

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at
Wed Oct 2 11:34:55 PDT 2013

If he were the REAL Dread Pirate Roberts, this would be his method
for selling his ship to the next holder of the Dread Pirate Roberts franchise.
(Ok, probably not.)

At 10:19 AM 10/2/2013, Ted Smith wrote:
>Well, he was caught because early on, he advertised for developers using
>his real-name email address.


>On Wed, 2013-10-02 at 18:42 +0200, Lodewijk andré de la porte wrote:
> > Good. That'll remove one mayor anti-bitcoin argument. Plus it shows
> > that even with anonymous transactions people can still be caught doing
> > illegal things, making it less important to have exclusively publicly
> > knowable transactions.

I thought Silk Road was one of the major pro-bitcoin arguments.
But there are competing services as well, according to some news article
I saw that tried three of them (but since they 
were a Reputable Journalism Channel,
the reporter didn't get to actually smoke the dope he bought.)

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