bitcoin as a global medium of exchange (was Re: Interesting take on Sanjuro's Assassination Market)

coderman coderman at
Mon Nov 25 18:20:27 PST 2013

On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 6:12 PM, David Vorick <david.vorick at> wrote:
> ...
> Nobody cares how many petaflops the network is pulling, because the
> petaflops can't be put to use somewhere else...
> But if the mining was based on cloud storage, a dramatic drop in the
> price of the currency would result in a dramatic drop in the cost of
> storing data on the network.

i like the idea of "proof of _useful_ work" applied here to storage.
if only mining had been applied to BOINC, GIMPS, or *@home efforts...

surely there is prior art?

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