Wireless mesh researchers target defence applications

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Wed Jan 30 01:36:13 PST 2013


Wireless mesh researchers target defence applications

By Krishan Sharma on Jan 30, 2013 7:00 AM (13 hours ago)
Carrier-free communications get encrypted.

Flinders University researchers are preparing to test a new version of open
source wireless mesh project Serval that could pave the way for encrypted,
carrier-free communications for defence and disaster relief organisations.

The Serval app uses wireless mesh network technology to turns any Android
smartphone into a node, capable of sending, repeating and receiving signals
to others in the mesh network.

It has been used by the New Zealand Red Cross to in trial exercises in the
past year and will undergo a second round of field trials next month to test
encryption and range advances.

Flinders University project leader Dr Paul Gardner-Stephen told this weekbs
linux.conf.au conference that the app could allow users to make military
grade encrypted voice, calls, SMS and share files for free without the need
of phone towers or satellite providers.

bOur Mesh network will enable Government or military staff stationed overseas
to communicate and transfer sensitive data securely and without the need of
local phone tower infrastructure,b he told iTnews.

Dr Gardner-Stephen said Serval would pursue government and the defence use
cases where personnel on the ground could not risk using the local
infrastructure for particularly sensitive voice and data exchanges.

Red Cross field trials of new, encrypted features were due to take place in
remote parts of New Zealand where local carriers did not typically provide
phone service.

The app uses a purpose-built Rhizone protocol to enable 256-bit AES
cryptographic encryption on all communications.

For the trials, Red Cross ground teams will perform day-to-day tasks
including collecting sensitive onsite field report data, real time map
tracking of all personnel for safety management, sending logistics requests
and pushing app updates to handsets all via the mesh.

Serval has received more than $US1 million dollars in funding since the
project's inceptiobn including $400,000 from open source pioneer Mark

The Serval app is available on the Google Play Store.

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