[ZS] Re: [liberationtech] Looking for collaborators for free-range voting project at Knight?News Challenge:

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Tue Feb 26 04:58:15 PST 2013

I already mentioned that online voting is dangerous, hence
this is apropos.

The best way to deal with compromisability long-term is to issue
paying, voting ZS members a smartcard (and probably
a matching reader, probably USB). The user then generates a
secret onboard, and submits the fingerprint out of band
(i.e. not via his computer) so that it can be validated.
This can be combined with the CAcert way of doing things.
While smartcard secrets are extractable/cloneable in principle, this
attack is very expensive for decent hardware designs, and 
doesn't scale.

Before, things like surveymonkey and liquid feedback can be
only used to gauge public sentiment, not being tools trusted
enough to result in actual vote-taking, or even reflect
accurate sentiments. All voting for persons should not be
electronic, until a useful system is established.

Distributed P2P data structures, very similiar to the BitCoin
blockchain can act as tamper-proof public ledgers.

There are ways to upgrade these to anonymous, traceable
and recept-free votes. Such doesn't work for the general 
public, but should work for ZS, given we have the talent
to get it implemented and reviewed.

----- Forwarded message from Rich Kulawiec <rsk at gsp.org> -----

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