request for transcript: Bruce Schneier and Eben Moglen discuss a post-Snowden Internet

Stephan Neuhaus stephan.neuhaus at
Tue Dec 17 02:53:06 PST 2013

On 2013-12-17, 11:06, stef wrote:
> despite german government seemingly having serious problems
> recruiting competent devs for producing their own malware and thus
> being forced to procure this from front companies of allied agencies.
> in germany either moral standards are higher and/or social pressure
> does work?

I think that this cannot be used in evidence. The plain fact is that the
German government will pay only a fraction of what a company would pay.
 As an example (even though not one that could be applied to a job with
the federal government as a civil servant, but which I nevertheless
believe to be comparable), a PhD being paid according to the pay grade
known as TVöD 14 Step 1 will take home a base salary of roughly 1700
Euros, after taxes.  Also, prospects for promotion are slim and the
bureaucracy is terrible and cannot be evaded.



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