EM-nature (was: infra-org)

brian carroll electromagnetize at gmail.com
Sun Dec 8 12:32:47 PST 2013

John Young wrote:

> The earliest and most enduring form of infosec -- crypt-crypto --
> is non-EM, non-language, non-homo-erectus. Current versions contain
> vestigals of those primitives in what is disingenuously termed
> implementation. And it is in implementation where most comsec
> failures occur and where most successes succeed. Code is
> closer to whistling in the dark, baying at the moon, offering newborns
> to hungry wolves.

i am completely intrigued and at once baffled by this, wondering
of Code here is referencing code in a wider generic sense or is
restricted to computer coding as the parameters. the examples
given {whistling, baying} seem both in a realm of music/voicing
and movement {gesture} and these all could be contained within
a context of language, seemingly. or perhaps not, as envisaged.

what has me further curious is if this somehow has linguistics
(as crypt.crypto) advantaged to mathematics, as communication
framework in some wider more open or elusive sense, or as the
conception/conceptualization of what code is or may be if crypto

> Implementation is 99.99+% of infosec-comsec, perhaps 100%.
> Code hardly scratches the surface and might be constructively
> seen as a ruse, a strategem, concocted and promoted to delude.

i am still trying to ground with electromagnetic framework thus
imagining beyond this, as if already grounded, more unknowing
of how to even consider such thoughts or considerations as it
difficult or impossible to separate from the medium involved in
my naive and limited awareness and even less understanding

closest to this perhaps in this not-knowing what might be is
that the cosmos itself is encrypted, as a starting point to
questioning, context for developing technical crypt.boxes

then perhaps DNA as encrypted code of life in this framework,
taxonomy of species and disciplines decrypting the patterning,
securing truth key to unlocking the works seemingly, OZ writer
L. Frank Baum naming electromagnetism as the master key,
wondering if it is actually a blank, then what that implies, or if
parameters exist by which it can be made to unlock access
to new dimensions in which this otherness is more tangible,
maybe a realm exists outside of charge, here not the case
at least in the level experienced or encountered, precorpse
in the necropolis, is everything then only "information", etc.


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