[drone-list] FAA Going Slow & Questions Raised

Teddy Wilson theguerrillablog at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 09:30:19 PST 2012

*FAA Going Slow on Drones as Privacy Concerns Studied*

The Federal Aviation Administration told Congress itbs further delaying the
naming of six test sites for unmanned aircraft, as called for in a law
passed Feb. 14, as it weighs the privacy implications of the new

FAA acting chief Michael Huertabs letter to members of the Congressional
Unmanned Systems Caucus marked the first time the agency has said it would
consider privacy issues related to commercial and other non-military
drones, though those concerns have been broadly raised elsewhere.

Read More...<http://go.bloomberg.com/political-capital/2012-11-26/faa-going-slow-on-drones-as-privacy-concerns-studied/>

*Push for more drones in U.S. raises questions

The federal government is rushing to open America's skies to tens of
thousands of drones b pushed to do so by a law championed by manufacturers
of the unmanned aircraft.

Yet questions remain about their potential to invade privacy and about
their reliability, as two incidents on the U.S.-Mexico border demonstrate.

The drone makers have sought congressional help to speed their entry into a
domestic market valued in billions of dollars.

The 60-member House of Representatives' bdrone caucusb b including the
co-chairman, Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo b has helped push that agenda.
Over the past four years, caucus members have drawn nearly $8 million in
drone-related campaign contributions, an investigation by Hearst Newspapers
and the Center for Responsive Politics shows.

Read More...<http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/military/article/Push-for-more-drones-in-U-S-raises-questions-4067977.php>

Teddy Wilson
Covering the Industrial Complex
Blog: Guerrilla Blog <http://theguerrillablog.wordpress.com>
Twitter: @guerrilla_blog <http://www.twitter.com/guerrilla_blog>

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