[OT-whats not these days?] 29 June calls o/b/o Citizens United C/A

J.A. Terranson measl at mfn.org
Thu Jun 28 14:53:14 PDT 2012

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Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 15:40:37 -0400 (EDT)
From: Move to Amend <info at MoveToAmend.org>
Subject: Dial it up

National Call-in Day for Move To Amend on June 29

The Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil 
Rights and Human Rights, chaired by Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), will be 
holding hearings on July 17, 2012, to examine the three proposed 
constitutional amendments currently introduced in the Senate, which 
address "Citizens United v. FEC".

Invitations will be issued to the senators who have introduced amendments 
and to a panel of advocates/experts, who will testify to:

  * The impact of Citizen's United v. FEC
  * The rise of SUPER PACs
  * The impact of unlimited corporate spending on individual candidates

Move To Amend (MTA) has not been invited to participate yet. We have been 
in touch with Senator Durbin, who has complete discretion over who to 
invite, and MTA members in the eleven states of the individual committee 
members have already been in contact with their senators in pursuit of an 

We are now calling on all of our members to contact Senator Durbin -- 
please make a quick call tomorrow: (202) 224-2152.

Click here for call in details and a script: [ 

Question: Why should we care about being invited to this hearing, despite 
the fact that our amendment has no Senate sponsor yet?

Answer: We don't expect that the Senate will actually pass an amendment 
any time soon, but it is important that our viewpoint be heard inside the 
beltway. Our movement is growing, our demands are clear. When and if 
Congress begins to move, it is imperative they know what the real solution 
is and that there is a broad movement supporting it.

We must make clear to them that the issue goes beyond Citizens United. The 
amendment must address corporate personhood and money as speech -- nothing 
short of that will do.

Tomorrow, June 29, is National Call-in Day for MTA! Please call Senator 
Durbin's office and express your desire that Move To Amend be invited to 
the July 17 hearing. Find a short script, talking points, and the phone 
number here: [ 

We're hoping to raise a polite and non-violent ruckus by generating 
thousands of calls, and we're counting on you to raise your voice 
tomorrow. It will take no more than five minutes of your time, so please 
add this event to your schedule: [ 

MOVE TO AMEND: The National Campaign to End Corporate Personhood and Demand Real Democracy!  
http://MoveToAmend.org  |  PO Box 610, Eureka CA 95502  |  (707) 269-0984

We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme 
Court's Citizens United ruling, and move to amend our Constitution to 
firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not 
corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.

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