[cryptography] Last call: DIAC: Directions in Authenticated Ciphers

D. J. Bernstein djb at cr.yp.to
Tue Jun 19 09:13:23 PDT 2012

For people interested in the future of secret-key cryptography, the list
of talks for next month's ECRYPT DIAC workshop has now been posted:


Registration is still open today:


Here's the list of invited speakers and refereed papers:

   * Invited: Joan Daemen, STMicroelectronics
   * Invited: David McGrew, Cisco
   * Invited: Phillip Rogaway, University of California at Davis
   * Invited: Palash Sarkar, ISI Kolkata
   * Refereed papers:
     - A Do-It-All-Cipher for RFID: design requirements (extended abstract)
       (Saarinen, Engels)
     - AEGIS: a fast authenticated encryption algorithm
       (Wu, Preneel)
     - An improved hardware implementation of the Grain-128a stream cipher
       (Mansouri, Dubrova)
     - Authenticated encryption in civilian space missions: context and requirements
       (Sanchez, Fischer)
     - Cryptanalysis of EAXprime
       (Minematsu, Lucks, Morita, Iwata)
     - Hash-CFB
       (Forler, McGrew, Lucks, Wenzel)
     - Heavy Quark for secure AEAD
       (Aumasson, Knellwolf, Meier)
     - How fast can a two-pass mode go? A parallel deterministic authenticated encryption mode for AES-NI
       (Aoki, Iwata, Yasuda)
     - Lightweight AES-based authenticated encryption
       (Bogdanov, Mendel, Regazzoni, Rijmen)
     - Permutation-based encryption, authentication and authenticated encryption
       (Bertoni, Daemen, Peeters, Van Assche)
     - SipHash: a fast short-input PRF
       (Aumasson, Bernstein)
     - Stronger security guarantees for authenticated encryption
       (Boldyreva, Paterson, Stam)
     - Suggestions for hardware evaluation of cryptographic algorithms

See you in Stockholm!

---D. J. Bernstein
   Research Professor, Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago
cryptography mailing list
cryptography at randombit.net

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