[cryptography] (off-topic) Bitcoin is a repeated lesson in cryptography applications - was "endgame"

lodewijk andri de la porte lodewijkadlp at gmail.com
Sat Feb 25 04:12:32 PST 2012

> That's it!  Now, leave aside the libertarian hopes and the politics and
> the freedom bias and right to code and the "this time it's different" and
> all that crap -- and ask yourself.
> Where do you want to invest your future?

I will invest my time and skill to improve the people's knowledge
and sovereignty. For the sake of brevity I will omit my reasons to do so.

I find that in a capitalist society everything starts with money. Anything
will have finances in it's foundation. If we are to create anything pure,
elegant and satisfying we've can't have shaky foundations; we can't have
bad money. Improving money will improve everything.

Whether or not Bitcoins can do it, I can't be sure. I think it has the
potential to. What better way to spend our time than to try and make it so?

Thank you for the e-mail iang. I very much appreciate it.

cryptography mailing list
cryptography at randombit.net

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