[cryptography] A small public key encryption program

Elias Yarrkov yarrkov at gmail.com
Mon Aug 6 13:27:45 PDT 2012

Greetings, guys.

I thought you might be interested in this little ECDH-based public key
encryption program that I wrote. Primarily this is an experiment in how simple
and small this stuff can be. It probably contains the simplest public C
implementation of usably efficient elliptic curve point scalar multiplication,
and thus might be useful in learning practical ECC. In particular, Curve25519.

For symmetric stuff, I use EnRUPT in the sponge construction. XXTEA could've
been alternatively used (with increased rounds, of course), but it does not
appear to provide as much resistance to attacks per processing time in this
context, and is slightly more complex. For EnRUPT, I use twice the standard
number of rounds.

I use a custom KDF. I intend to write about this manner of constructing KDFs
later. The goal is to cause a high area*time cost for massively parallel brute
force via ASIC, similar to scrypt.

That's about it. More information here: http://cipherdev.org/dhbitty.html

yarrkov -- http://cipherdev.org/
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cryptography at randombit.net

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