Tor traffic disguised as Skype video calls to fool repressive governments

Eugen Leitl eugen at
Wed Apr 4 09:54:02 PDT 2012

Tor traffic disguised as Skype video calls to fool repressive governments

By Dan Goodin | Published April 3, 2012 3:51 PM

Tor traffic disguised as Skype video calls to fool repressive governments

An overview of the SkypeMorph architecture, which converts packet size
distributions in Tor to those in Skype video calls.

Computer scientists have released a tool that disguises communications sent
through the Tor anonymity service as Skype video calls, a cloak that's
intended to prevent repressive governments from blocking the anonymous

SkypeMorph, as the application is called, is designed to remedy a fundamental
limitation of Tor: While the communications are cryptographically secured,
unique characteristics of their individual data packets make them easy to
identify as they travel over the networks. In the past, for example, the
cryptographic key exchange was different in Tor transactions and the
certificates used were typically valid for only a matter of hours, compared
with as long as a year or two for certificates used by most Web servers.
These fingerprints made it possible for government censors in Iran, China,
and elsewhere to block data traveling over Tor while leaving the rest of the
country's communications intact.

Tor developers have remedied those shortcomings, but other unique signatures
still exist. The idea behind SkypeMorph is to camouflage Tor communications
so they blend in as traffic that government censors are reluctant to

"The goal is to make the traffic look like some other protocol that they are
not willing to block," Ian Goldberg, a professor at the Cheriton School of
Computer Science at the University of Waterloo, told Ars. "They could just
shut off the Internet, of course, like Egypt did for a few days a year or so
ago, but that, of course, would be extremely unpopular to their own people
that are wondering why can't see pictures of cute cats." A censorship arms

The release of SkypeMorph comes a few months after a separate research team
in Sweden uncovered changes the Chinese government made to its "Great
Firewall" censorship infrastructure to make it harder for citizens to use
Tor. Although their research paper (PDF) was only recently published, the
findings have been public for a few months, said Goldberg, who sits on the
Tor Project's board of directors. As censors in China and elsewhere devise
increasingly sophisticated measures of detecting and blocking the anonymity
service, it falls on Tor volunteers to find new ways to thwart them.

"The whole point of SkypeMorph is exactly because the Great Firewall is so
complex," said Goldberg, who refers to the jockeying between privacy
advocates and governments as a censorship arms race. "You have to very
convincingly pretend your traffic is something else, like Skype."

SkypeMorph relies on the Microsoft-owned VoIP service to establish a
cryptographically secured connection between an end user and unlisted entry
points, known as bridges, to the Tor network. By sending a few short Skype
messages to one of the bridges, a Tor user performs a Diffie Hellman key
exchange to make sure the connection can be trusted. Once the handoff is
completed, SkypeMorph initiates a Skype video call to the bridge and quickly
drops it. The bridge and the end user then use the key to securely
communicate using normal Tor protocols.

To prevent the Tor traffic from being recognized by anyone analyzing the
network flow, SkypeMorph uses what's known as traffic shaping to convert Tor
packets into User Datagram Protocol packets, as used by Skype. The traffic
shaping also mimics the sizes and timings of packets produced by normal Skype
video conversations. As a result, outsiders observing the traffic between the
end user and the bridge see data that looks identical to a Skype video

The SkypeMorph developers chose Skype because the software is widely used
throughout the world, making it hard for governments to block it without
arousing widespread criticism. The developers picked the VoIP client's video
functions because its flow of packets more closely resembles Tor traffic.
Voice communications, by contrast, show long pauses in transmissions, as one
party speaks and the other listens.

"It's not enough just to send encrypted packets to a particular port,
Goldberg explained. "You want to send them in patterns and sequences and
sizes and distributions that look as realistic as possible. What our system
does is go a step beyond traffic morphing and not only matches the packet
size distributions but also matches the timing distributions."

To prevent the Skype network from being overburdened, SkypeMorph sends data
directly over the Internet once the VoIP client has been used to establish a
secured connection.  Modular obfuscation plugins

The application makes use of programming interfaces built into Tor that allow
the program to work with obfuscation extensions called pluggable transports.
Such add-ons appear as SOCKS proxies to the Tor client and allow data
delivered to bridges to be sent in obfuscated ways. Developers can design
pluggable transports for Tor in much the way people write add-ons for the
Firefox or Chrome browsers.

So far, the only pluggable transport available for Tor is known as obfsproxy.
It passes traffic between end users and bridges through a stream cipher.
SkypeMorph is designed to extend the benefit of this plugin "to address its
limitation of not outputting innocuous-looking traffic," Goldberg's research
paper (PDF) describing the software said.

The SkypeMorph paper was co-authored by Hooman Mohajeri Moghaddam, Baiyu Li,
and Mohammad Derakhshani, all of whom were students enrolled in a class
taught by Goldberg titled Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies.

Photograph by Hooman Mohajeri Moghaddam, Baiyu Li, Mohammad Derakhshani, and
Ian Goldberg

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