[volunteergrid2-l] Introduction

Shawn Willden shawn at willden.org
Tue Apr 3 05:15:44 PDT 2012

Hi Aaron,

Yeah, sorry, we've had a half-dozen people join the list and express
interest in hosting their own nodes in the last few days, and we haven't
really figured out how to deal with rapid growth.  The process is that
someone already in the grid has to create an account for you on the wiki so
you can get access to the classified info.

Give us a little bit to figure out how to handle this sudden 25% growth.

On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 3:42 AM, Aaron Drew <aarond10 at gmail.com> wrote:

> So... Its not super clear how to get access to the Classified page with
> the Intro FURL but I notice there is a post in the list archives talking
> about the influx of interest after a slashdot post.
> Is there a process to follow? A queue?
> On 3 April 2012 00:34, Aaron Drew <aarond10 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi tahoe-lafs volunteers,
>> Time for my intro I guess. :)
>> I'm a system engineer / programmer from Sydney, Australia. I started work
>> on a C++ project that had aims very similar to tahoe's so I'm keen to give
>> this a serious go and if it fits the bill, redirect my tinkering efforts
>> towards tahoe (assuming I can be helpful).
>> I'm a tahoe super noob so I'll probably have a bunch of questions to
>> start with but I hope to ramp up fairly fast. I've used foolscap before and
>> looked into using zfec in my own projects.
>> https://github.com/aarond10
>> https://plus.google.com/u/0/101862384904941617128/
>> - Aaron
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